Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
To measure parents' attitudes towards child marriage and communication, trust, and mutual understanding of adolescents with parents, a set of statements (strongly agree/agree/strongly disagree/disagree/neutral) will be asked, and then an index will be calculated using principal component factor analysis.
To measure communication, trust, and mutual understanding of a girl with her parents, we will ask the girl and her parents whether she agrees/disagrees with statements such as "I can express my thoughts to my parents without hesitation or fear."
For parents' attitude towards child marriage, a set of statements such as "Girls who leave school early have better prospects of getting married well".
To measure parents' perception of the return to education, questions will be such as "Suppose, hypothetically, your daughter is twelve years old and were to complete her primary school, and then stop attending school. Think about the kinds of jobs she might be offered and that she might accept. How much do you think she will earn in a typical month when they are about 30 to 40 years old?"
To measure parents' perceived risks of elopement, we will ask the parents “According to you, how concerned are you that your daughter will love and marry of your choice?” We will ask the same questions to the adolescents to check the validity of the measurement.
To measure the incidence of elopement in the community, we will ask about the actual incidence to the parents, girls, community leaders, and Kazi (who conducts local marriages). We will ask multiple stakeholders to get a rough idea of the actual incidence.