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Last Published June 27, 2016 12:26 PM June 27, 2016 12:47 PM
Randomization Method The randomisation is conducted by a computer in the office, using the statistical program Stata version 12. The steps we follow are: 1. Identify sample of eligible slums: this means those with at least 7 children in the defined age range (10 - 20 months). Exclude children with physical or mental disabilities and twins. 2. Stratify sample of slums by slum size, i.e. the stratification variable is an indicator = 1 if the slum has more than nine children in our target age range according to the initial listing conducted in the slums, 0 otherwise. 3. Within strata, 3.1 randomly assign a number between 0 and 1 to each slum; 3.2 sort the number of slums by randomly assigned number; 3.3 assign the first half of the slums to treatment and the second half to control. The randomisation is conducted by a computer in the office, using the statistical program Stata version 12. The steps we follow are: 1. Identify sample of eligible slums:Exclude those villages which are not feasible open programme in there. 2. Block sample of villages: block based on common observed characteristics; 3. Randomly sample 30 villages; 4. The matched paired are drawn at random from the same block.
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