Randomization Method
As mentioned above, to randomize which lists present the key sensitive statement and the order in which lists are presented, participants will be randomized into one of the following 6 paths:
• Path 1: List 1A + Key, List 1B, List 2A + Key, List 2B, List 3A + Key, List 3B
• Path 2: List 1B + Key, List 1A, List 2B + Key, List 2A, List 3B+ Key, List 3A
• Path 3: List 2A + Key, List 2B, List 3A + Key, List 3B, List 1A + Key, List 1B
• Path 4: List 2B + Key, List 2A, List 3B + Key, List 3A, List 1B + Key, List 1A
• Path 5: List 3A + Key, List 3B, List 1A + Key, List 1B, List 2A + Key, List 2B
• Path 6: List 3B + Key, List 3A, List 1B + Key, List 1A, List 2B + Key, List 2A
Randomization will be done by a computer (Qualtrics).