Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Re 1: Dehumanization will be measured using four survey questions:
- How evolved do [outparty members] seem? (0-100 Slider, Extremely unevolved, Extremely evolved, pictures of humanoid figures at different levels of evolution are included)
- To what extent do you think [outparty members] are capable of experiencing sensations such as hunger, fear, pain, and pleasure? (101 pt slider, Not at all, A great deal)
- To what extent do you think [outparty members] are capable of engaging in thought processes such as planning, reasoning, and remembering? (101 pt slider, Not at all, A great deal)
- How demonic or saintly do [outparty members] seem? (0-100 Slider, Extremely demonic, Extremely saintly, pictures of angelic/human/demonic figures included)
We will standardize scores for each statement and add them up to create a single index measure.
Re 2: Support for partisan violence will be measured using the following survey questions:
- When, if ever, is it OK for [inparty] to send threatening and intimidating messages to [outparty] leaders? (101 pt scale, Never, Always)
- When, if ever, is it OK for an ordinary [inparty member] in the public to harass an ordinary [outparty member] on the Internet, in a way that makes the target feel frightened? (101 pt scale, Never, Always)
- How much do you feel it is justified for [inparty members] to use violence in advancing their political goals these days? (101 pt scale, Not at all, Extremely)
- How much do you feel it is justified for [inparty members] to use violence if the [outparty] wins more races in the next election? (101 pt scale, Not at all, Extremely)
We will standardize scores for each statement and add them up to create a single index measure.
Re 3: Affective polarization will be measured using the following survey questions:
- [APOUT1] Please indicate how you feel toward [outparty members] using the scale below. 100 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 50 are neutral.
- [APIN1] Please indicate how you feel toward [inparty members] using the scale below. 100 means that you feel very favorably or warm toward them, 0 that you feel very unfavorable or cold, and 50 are neutral.
- [APOUT2] How comfortable are you having friends who are [outgroup members]? (101 pt scale Not at all to Completely)
- [APIN2] How comfortable are you having friends who are [ingroup members]? (101 pt scale Not at all to Completely)
We will compute an index of affective polarization using the following formula [(APIN1-APOUT1)+(APIN2-APOUT2)]/2.
Re 4: Participants will be asked questions about their political knowledge in each of the surveys.
Of the following news events, which ones do you think are true events that occurred in the last month, and which ones do you think are false and did not occur? (True, False, Unsure)
There will be five statements in each survey, taken from headlines 2 weeks before the survey, with 2-3 modified to be false.