Experimental Design
Experiment Design Description
This experiment aims to evaluate the effectiveness of various interventions—knowledge dissemination, goal setting, and monetary incentives—on encouraging peak-avoidance behavior in electricity consumption among residential users in Chongqing, China. The design involves six treatment groups, each with approximately 5000 subjects, and will span a period of 8 weeks.
1.Treatment Groups
(1) Control Group: Receives only weather forecast information.
(2) Knowledge Group: Receives information on peak electricity periods, the negative impacts of excessive peak electricity consumption, and tips on how to shift usage to off-peak times.
(3) Goal Setting Group - 5%: Encouraged to reduce peak electricity usage by 5% compared to the same week last year.
(4) Goal Setting Group - 15%: Encouraged to reduce peak electricity usage by 15% compared to the same week last year.
(5) Goal Setting Group - 25%: Encouraged to reduce peak electricity usage by 25% compared to the same week last year.
(6) Monetary Incentive Group: Offered a financial reward for reducing peak electricity usage, with a reward of 0.5 yuan for every 1% reduction in peak usage.
2. Randomization
The randomization process will use data from 28,739 households who have not joined the time-of-use plan. Households are randomly assigned to one of the six groups using stratified randomization based on their electricity consumption data from May 13-19, 2024, and July 3-9, 2023. The stratification ensures balanced distribution of key indicators, including electricity usage during different periods (off-peak, flat-rate, and peak) on both weekdays and weekends.
3. Sample Size
Each treatment group consists of approximately 5000 households, resulting in a total sample size of 28,739 households.