We study the impacts of a business diagnostictool delivered to entrepreneur clients or potential clients of one of Brazil's largest FinTech lender. The intervention consists of an online business assessment tool that identifies areas for improvement, and provides entrepreneurs with educational videos that target those areas of improvement. We use a waitlist design to implement this intervention. The treatment group completes the tool earlier while the control group will complete six months later. We aim at studying the effects of the intervention on two set of outcomes. First, we will focus on the impacts on business practices. Second, we will study the impacts on loan repayment, take up and approval of new loans, and credit scores. The intervention will be implemented on sample of entrepreneurs who are either current clients of the partner financial institution (FI), former clients of the financial institution, or individuals that applied for a loan but were denied a loan from the partner FI. We will analyze heterogeneous effects across these three groups, and across other key dimensions such as gender, age, economic sector, ex-ante credit worthiness, and length of their relationship with the lender.