Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Technology Adoption: Index from 1 to 5, is constructed at the firm level based on survey responses aligned with the World Bank Firm-level Technology Adoption Framework (FAT). Firms report the acquisition of 4-6 types of technologies across eight General Business Functions (GBF): administration, planning, sourcing, marketing, sales, payment methods, quality control, and internal communication.
Technology Usage: Index, also ranging from 1 to 5, is constructed at the firm level by identifying which adopted tools are most frequently utilized in business operations for each GBF. Additional measures of usage intensity, such as the frequency of technology use, the extent of usage among firm staff, and specific functionalities employed, will also be gathered from the survey. This survey data will be supplemented with administrative data from the technologies themselves.
Firm Performance: Financial Performance: Includes indicators such as revenue, employment, and productivity, derived from business register information. Non-Financial Performance: Encompasses factors such as exporter status, collaboration with large firms, and the development of new products or services, based on survey responses.