Primary Outcomes (explanation)
We use a modified dictator game to elicit social preferences (Andreoni and Miller 2002, Fisman et al. 2007). Subjects are asked to divide an endowment M of tokens between themselves (S) and another participant (O), such that S + O = M. In each round the total endowment and dollar value of token to self (Vs) and dollar value of token to other (Vo) varies. In the three pre-treatment rounds the values of (M, Vs, Vo) are A: (80, 1, 1); B: (60, 2, 1); C: (40,1,3). In the post-treatment rounds they are A: (100, 1, 1); B: (75, 2, 1); C: (50,1,3). We randomize the order between the three pre-treatment rounds as well as between the three post-treatment rounds. For each round we calculate the fraction of dollars to self (Ds). The outcome variable is the difference between Ds in pre-treatment and post-treatment for each paired round (A, B, and C). The result is three observations per individual measuring the change in behavior.