Entrepreneurial strategies and domains: evidence from a simulation-based lab experiment

Last registered on October 18, 2024


Trial Information

General Information

Entrepreneurial strategies and domains: evidence from a simulation-based lab experiment
Initial registration date
October 09, 2024

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
October 18, 2024, 4:45 PM EDT

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.


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Primary Investigator


Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
ESADE Business School
PI Affiliation
Bocconi University
PI Affiliation
Bocconi University

Additional Trial Information

In development
Start date
End date
Secondary IDs
Prior work
This trial does not extend or rely on any prior RCTs.
Entrepreneurs are often depicted as boundedly rational and myopic decision-makers who rely on local search and readily available data (Moore, Oesch, and Zietsma, 2007; Simon, 1957). When searching and attempting to define or assess market opportunities, entrepreneurs are guided by their pre-existing experiences. Their knowledge sets coming from individual experiences, backgrounds, values, and beliefs, or domains, define what is salient when framing strategic and entrepreneurial problems (Camuffo, Gambardella, and Pignataro, 2024).

While there is a growing body of literature arguing that theory framing is essential in strategic and entrepreneurial decision making (Felin and Zenger, 2017), little is known about the relationship between entrepreneurial domains, theory framing, and entrepreneurial idea (and solution) generation.

The goal of this project is to understand whether making entrepreneurs aware of the impact exerted by their domains on their entrepreneurial ideas triggers a change in experimentation and search, beyond initial domains.

Since exploration beyond what is known can expand the opportunity set at the expense of increased uncertainty and monetary and non-monetary (i.e., time, effort) costs, it is unclear whether exploration beyond initial domains can be beneficial or not. Given this trade-off, we argue that entrepreneurs who engage in “scientific entrepreneurship” (Zellweger and Zenger, 2023), adopting a theory-based experimentation approach, explore in a more structured way and are able to reduce the burden of expanded search (Camuffo, Cordova, Gambardella, and Spina, 2020).

To this aim, we investigate the impact that domain awareness (which shall trigger increased exploration) has in addition to scientific or theory-based experimentation (which shall reduce the cost of exploration). A companion study finds that domain awareness and theory-based experimentation have a complementary effect on the number of high-value strategic alternatives generated by entrepreneurs (Frosi, Chondrakis, Gagliardi, and Mariani, 2024), but it remains agnostic as to what mechanism underlies this increase in idea generation. This study adopts a similar design, and administers a similar manipulation, but aims to uncover the mechanisms through which the domains intervention, conditional on the scientific intervention, impacts exploration, theory framing, and decision-making. In particular, the project designs and implements a laboratory experiment following up on a field experiment with early-stage entrepreneurs carried out at ESADE University in Spain (previously pre-registered on AEA under the code AEARCTR-0009325) and a laboratory experiment with entrepreneurship graduate students carried out at Bocconi University in Italy (AEARCTR-0013189).
External Link(s)

Registration Citation

Chondrakis, George et al. 2024. "Entrepreneurial strategies and domains: evidence from a simulation-based lab experiment." AEA RCT Registry. October 18. https://doi.org/10.1257/rct.14513-1.0
Experimental Details


The experiment is based on a Qualtrics-based business simulation where participants will first be asked to complete a baseline survey, collecting both demographic variables and variables assessing the level of each participant’s absorption of the theory-based approach.

Next, participants will be shown a training video (including the “domain” intervention or a placebo video). In particular:

1) Treated participants will receive an 8-minutes training video emphasizing the existence of domain-defining factors, their impact on theory formulation, and the advantages and disadvantages derived from exploring beyond them. Moreover, they will be asked to reflect on their own individual domains and how these may be influencing their decision-making; the “treatment video” will also talk about scaling a business, and focusing on how start-ups move from theory formulation to execution.

2) Non-treated participants will receive an 8-minutes training (placebo) video talking about scaling a business, and focusing on how start-ups move from theory formulation to execution.

Next, participants will be provided with 3 business models in the form of “theories of value” (Agarwal et al., 2023) developed by 3 early-stage start-ups in the process of defining their first strategic configurations.

At this point, we will ask participants whether they want to explore further or whether they want to launch the start-ups with the presented business models. In case they decide to engage in further exploration, we will ask them to propose elements (i.e., attributes) that they would explore on before going to the market, as well as any additional connections that they would draw among those elements.

Throughout the simulation, we will collect a number of measures, including participants’ beliefs about the final business models, and whether they would have considered additional attributes (and links) or not. Moreover, we will collect the time that it takes each participant to complete relevant steps (i.e., questions related to exploration and to additional attributes / links).
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
• Level of exploration effort (decision to explore/ not, time spent deciding to explore)
• Business model (theory) components: number of additional attributes and links considered
Primary Outcomes (explanation)

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
- Confidence measure of final business models (theories)
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
In this laboratory experiment, we rely on a sample of 75 MSc students (enrolled in the entrepreneurship MSc program at Bocconi University) who have been trained on the theory-based approach to decision-making (the “scientific” or “theory” intervention), and we expose them to a second intervention, the “domains” intervention. In subsequent waves, we plan to involve more students from different courses.

The domains intervention, which is at the core of this pre-analysis plan, makes participants aware of their domains (the set of knowledge they derive from their past experiences and background) and of the impact that domains exert on the framing of their entrepreneurial theories, and subsequent strategic alternatives.

Participants to the study, who have already received the theory intervention, are randomly allocated to two groups for the domains intervention (treated, untreated). We adopt a simple randomization routine.

The activity is presented as one of the requirements of a curricular course on strategic decision-making, and will take place during one of the course’s sessions (after participants have received the “theory” intervention). Students are rewarded with up to a bonus point (1/10) based on their performance during the experiment. Students who participate in this experiment are unaware of the goals of the experiment.
The experiment is based on a Qualtrics-based business simulation where participants will first be asked to complete a baseline survey, collecting both demographic variables and variables assessing the level of each participant’s absorption of the theory-based approach.
Next, participants will be shown a training video (including the “domain” intervention or a placebo video). In particular:

1) Treated participants will receive an 8-minutes training video emphasizing the existence of domain-defining factors, their impact on theory formulation, and the advantages and disadvantages derived from exploring beyond them. Moreover, they will be asked to reflect on their own individual domains and how these may be influencing their decision-making; the “treatment video” will also talk about scaling a business, and focusing on how start-ups move from theory formulation to execution.

2) Non-treated participants will receive an 8-minutes training (placebo) video talking about scaling a business, and focusing on how start-ups move from theory formulation to execution.

Next, they will be provided with 3 business models in the form of “theories of value” (Agarwal et al., 2023) developed by 3 early-stage start-ups in the process of defining their first strategic configurations.

At this point, we will ask them whether they want to explore further or whether they want to launch the start-ups with the presented business models. In case they decide to engage in further exploration, we will ask them to propose elements (i.e., attributes) that they would explore on before going to the market, as well as any additional connections that they would draw among those elements.

Throughout the simulation, we will collect a number of measures, including participants’ beliefs about the final business models, whether they would have considered additional attributes (and links) or not. Moreover, we will collect the time that it takes each participant to complete relevant steps (i.e., questions related to exploration and to additional attributes / links).
Experimental Design Details
Not available
Randomization Method
Participants are randomly assigned to the 2 treatment groups by simple randomization. Randomization is performed using STATA 18.0.

Practically, we start by assigning a random number (from 0 to 1) that follows a uniform distribution to each student. We then rank students by their random numbers, and assign the first half of the ranking to the domains condition, and the second half to the control condition.

We run this procedure 10 times, using 10 different seeds, and select one of the best seed. We then run balance checks on the selected seed and find no imbalances across the groups.
Randomization Unit
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
75 individuals (wave 1) + subsequent waves
Sample size: planned number of observations
75 individuals, 50-50 split between treatment and control. Moreover, we collect our key dependent variable of interest for 3 cases (per each respondent), ending with 225 observations. Moreover, subsequent waves may concur to increasing the number of observations.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
40 in domains (treated group), 35 in control group.
Subsequent waves will replicate this breakdown.
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)
We justify the size of the sample based on experimental power calculations conducted using G*Power 3.1 (command F-tests, ANOVA: repeated measures, within-between interactions). Given a small (f=0.15-0.2) effect size, assuming standard type I and type II errors (α err prob = 0.05 Power (1-β err prob) = 0.95), given the existence of 2 experimental cells, about 3 observations per individual on key outcome variables (exploration), and relatively high correlation among repeated measures (0.5) and correction for non-sphericity (ε = 1), we obtain a target sample size of 66 to 116 participants. We believe that our sample is in line with the effect that we expect to record.

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

IRB Name
Bocconi Research Ethics Committee
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number
Analysis Plan

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