Primary Outcomes (end points)
Primary outcomes are measured across five domains:
1. Schools
* School feeding days (and share of meal days) per month
* School meal attendance and enrolment
* Nutritional composition: Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS)-Meal index
2. Children
* Child absences
* Nutrition: food consumption, dietary diversity and food security
* Standardized test scores (EGRA, EGMA, Stroop, Ravens CPM, Digit Span)
* Anthropometrics: Measures of height and weight constructed standardizing for age, referenced with growth charts.
3. Farmer households
* Seasonal production and sales per crop (price and quantity)
* Food consumption expenditure
4. Cooperatives
* Seasonal aggregate production and revenue per buyer
* Share of revenue from school feeding
* Distribution of surplus at member level
5. Markets
* Commodity prices of school feeding crops and household staples