Primary Outcomes (explanation)
We ask questions about the respondents' labor market intentions after the treatments. We elicit the beliefs listed above before the treatment. After the treatments, we elicit again respondents' beliefs about wages in selected occupations, how easy/difficult it would be to find a job in selected occupations, similarity (in terms of tasks) between own and selected occupations, likelihood of needing a license or training to access selected occupations.
We will also measure again respondents' beliefs and labor market intentions in the follow-up survey and ask about actual labor market behavior (whether respondents have changed jobs/occupations or have tried to do so, whether they asked their employer for a raise).
We plan to:
- study the effect of the treatments on respondents' beliefs and labor market intentions measured in the main survey
- study the effects of the treatments on beliefs and intentions as well as actual labor market behavior measured in the follow-up survey
- study the effects of the treatments on actual labor market transitions that we can observe in post-treatment administrative data over different horizons
- explore the heterogeneity in the treatment effects depending on respondents' characteristics (e.g., age, education, gender, region of residence, family situation, occupation type), employment histories (from the administrative data), and other variables and personality traits measured in the survey (e.g. having recently done training, how much importance respondents give to different job attributes, risk aversion, openness to new experiences).