Background and target population
As part of the fiscal year 2021-22 budget agreed to by California’s Governor and the Legislature, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is providing support and oversight for five pilot programs conducting a randomized controlled trial of guaranteed income (GI). The intervention targets two unique low-income populations facing a key life transition that puts them at higher risk for adverse outcomes: youth aging out of extended foster care and pregnant people.
Eligibility criteria
The eligibility criteria for each target population is as follows:
Former foster youth (FFY)
- Low-income according to Insight Center’s Family Needs Calculator based on county of residence and household composition at time of application
- Exiting/exited foster care on their 21st birthday during the site’s enrollment period
- Can apply up to 90 days before and up to 30 days after their 21st birthday
- California resident at time of application
- Can be temporarily living out of state if attending post-secondary institution
- Foster care case is/was under the jurisdiction of a county in the site’s catchment area
Pregnant population
- Low-income (definition varied by site, with some sites using the Insight Center’s Family Needs Calculator, some using Medicaid enrollment, and some using 80% of AMI)
- Within the first 27 weeks of pregnancy at the time of application
- Resides in the site’s catchment area
- Some sites have additional criteria based on risk factors for perinatal complications (e.g., be at increased risk of developing gestational diabetes, have one or more risk factors for pre-term birth)
Application and enrollment
Each of the pilot sites follows their own specific outreach and referral process for potential program participants. People who wish to participate in the GI pilot program must complete an application online determine if they meet the pilot site’s eligibility criteria. Those who are eligible and interested then enroll in the study.
Intervention groups and randomization procedures
Enrolled participants are randomized to either receive GI or be part of a control group that receives $20 per month. For FFY, GI consists of unconditional cash payments of $750 per month for 18 months. For pregnant people, GI consists of unconditional cash payments of $600-$1,200 per month for 12-18 months (duration and amount of payment vary by site). GI recipients also receive benefits waivers for some benefits, ensuring that the income they receive from GI does not impact their current benefits. CDSS secured benefits waivers for CalWORKs and CalFresh for all GI participants, and some pilot sites secured additional waivers from county agencies. Voluntary benefits counseling and other support services are offered to enrolled participants.
For all but one site (see more detailed explanation below in the Randomization Method section), the study team at Urban Institute conducts the random assignment using applicants’ data collected in the online platform. Randomization is conducted separately by pilot site.
Sample size
We anticipate enrolling a total of 3,021 participants in the study. This includes 774 FFY (395 treatment, 379 control) and 2,247 pregnant people (1,156 treatment and 1,091 control).
Data collection
Enrolled participants are offered the opportunity to participate in surveys to study the impact of GI. Surveys will be conducted at baseline, 3 and 9 months after enrollment, upon program exit (either 12 months or 18 months post-baseline, depending on the pilot site), and 6 months after program exit. We are also obtaining administrative data from several sources to examine outcomes related to GI. These data include records such as benefits records, Medicaid records, employment and wage data, and child welfare data.
The outcomes of interest for both populations include physical health, mental health, financial strain and well-being, housing security, food security, transportation security, employment, education, child welfare involvement for participants with children, and participation in other benefits. For the FFY population only, we will examine criminal justice involvement. For the pregnant population only, we will examine perinatal mental health, perinatal health conditions, and birth outcomes.