Primary Outcomes (explanation)
- Timing of Tax Assessment: Average waiting time (in months) for the final tax assessment of a business year.
- Risk Aversion: Sequential staircase choice procedure between a guaranteed hypothetical tax refund (e.g., €10,000) and a probabilistic refund with a 50% chance for a larger amount (e.g., €20,000 or nothing).
- Tax Expectations for the Next Business Year
- Probability Assessment: Probability distribution across expected tax outcomes (most likely, lowest, and highest tax burden estimates)
- Tax Narratives: Open-ended responses regarding challenges or issues related to tax burdens and bureaucratic processes.
- Time Preferences:
(i) Preference for receiving a tax refund (€100,000) immediately or in 12 months.
(ii) Preference for making an additional tax payment (€100,000) immediately or in 12 months.
Willingness to pay to change the timing of (i) a tax refund or (ii) tax payment (to receive it sooner or delay it).
- Preference for timing of resolution of uncertainty: Willingness to pay to eliminate uncertainty about a future (i) tax refund or (ii) tax payment outcome (choices between uncertain refund or payment amounts, with knowledge available in 12 months).
- Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution: Percentage of planned investments that would be advanced given a hypothetical 10 percentage point increase in investment returns due to tax savings.