To test for risk aversion, we allow treated shops to choose between the following interventions:
The shop may opt to receive a guaranteed payment of p*X + e at the follow-up, regardless of whether they stock helmets, where p is the probability of failing to sell out a batch of helmets by midline if they opt to stock them. Or an insurance offer that pays X if the shops stocks helmets and fails to sell out, and 0 otherwise. The insurance offer is slightly less valuable in expectation, but hedges risk. Control shops receive the payment of p*X + e.
Second, I randomize which markets are entered at baseline, approaching 5 shops in each. This is designed to induce entrants to test for information spillovers at the follow-up. I plan to survey 5 new shops in treatment and control markets during the follow-up and offer them a batch of helmets to see if shops in treated markets are more willing to stock helmets.