Primary Outcomes (explanation)
We aim to provide a proof-of-concept and shed light on (i) implementation challenges and the potential for a full RCT; and (ii) preliminary indications of relevant outcomes to be tracked in a full RCT and other feedback to be shared by the fishermen. In the full RCT, we plan to measure unconditional payments’ direct impact on treated localities and beneficiaries, including general equilibrium effects (if any). We plan to do so for a range of (i) business, (ii) environmental, and (iii) household outcomes. The business outcomes include profits, sales revenue and competition, income, productivity, firm exits and entries, employment, bundling of fishing with non-fishing activities, investment in and switch to other (potentially more) productive enterprises, maintenance. The environmental outcomes include purchases and usage of premix fuel and local air pollution. We plan to measure these outcomes using a mix of hard data and survey data. The household outcomes include consumption expenditure, poverty, human capital. Given the non-permanent feature of our intervention, we expect lower-bound effects with respect to a permanent intervention.