This study examines the impact of existing levelling business training (combining classroom, conventional, and mindset training), implemented by the Office of Cooperative and MSMEs in Central Java, Indonesia, on small enterprises’ performance, growth, business practices, and the decision to take loans. The main research question is whether five small experiments consisting of finance, operational and human resources, marketing, strategic branding, and public speaking or negotiation business training helps improve MSMEs’ growth, performance, business practice, and decision-making skills. We will conduct five small randomized controlled trials (RCT) with 507 firms in Central Java, Indonesia. The sampling frame will be the firms that have applied to the Levelling Business Training Program. At application, each firm needs to choose a training subject among: (a) marketing, (b) operational and human resources, (c) financial, (d) strategic branding, and (e) public speaking and negotiation. Our implementing partner will screen and select eligible firms---83 to 109 firms each for subjects (a)-(c), and 83 to 84 firms each for (d)-(e). After conducting a baseline survey with a total of 507 firms, researchers will randomly assign treatment and control in each subject group. Each program will have up to three levels of training, where at each transition, 25 firms will be removed. ---that is, for (a)-(c), 75 firms at Level 1, 50 firms at Level 2, and 25 firms at Level 3, while (d)-(e) will have 50 firms at Level 1, and 25 firms at Level 2. While our main specification will be measuring the reduced-form effects of Level 1 training, we will further investigate the local average treatment effects of Level 2 and Level 3 training.