Experimental Design
We randomize 5,000 small businesses in the provinces of Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Liaoning, China between control and treatment groups. Randomization of treatment and control groups was done by stratifying businesses by sector and region.The re-randomization method was used to ensure balance on key baseline characteristics, including entrepreneur age, gender, years of schooling, business age, total asset value, and business revenue. The re-randomization method involves repeatedly randomizing until a desirable balance on covariates is achieved. Specifically, we first allocated small businesses to the treatment and control groups on the basis of a randomly generated number. Using this allocation, we then calculated the maximum and the average t-statistics on the differences in averages across the treatment and control groups for the following variables: Entrepreneur age, gender, years of schooling, business age, total asset value, business revenue/sales, If the maximum t-statistic for these variables was higher than 1.25 or the average t-statistic was higher than 0.35, we drew a new random number and allocated firms to the treatment and control groups on the basis of this new number. We repeated this process until the maximum t-statistic was 1.25 or lower and the average t-statistic was 0.35 or lower.
The randomization method adopted pairs businesses together based on the minimum distance between their baseline characteristics and randomly assigns them to treatment and control. Data is collected on a total of 5,000 small businesses – 1000 of whom have received the treatment intervention.
Baseline business surveys are administered to the treatment and control businesses before the intervention. Regular follow-ups are conducted via telephonic surveys to capture business performance metrics such as revenue, profit, and employee numbers. This is further cross-checked with the administrative data collected from social media platforms and fintech lenders. A midline survey is conducted one year post-intervention, and an endline survey is conducted two years and three years post-intervention.
The treatment group receives a social media advertisement subsidy of 1,000 RMB for content boosting fees, directly given to the social media platform, conditional upon business owners creating new video, live stream, or photo posts to promote their business. The control group receives no intervention.