Secondary Outcomes (end points)
For children (collected in March/April 2025 with incentivized experiments)
- Perspevtive taking ability
- Belief in similarities
- Time allocation/ Play dates
- Likeability
For preschool teachers (online survey):
- Self-efficacy in pedagogical work
- Teachers view socio-emotional skills as important skills in children
- Experience of positive behavior change in children
Interim Survey (online survey):
During the 8-week program, we provide teachers at the treatment preschools with weekly interim surveys. Each week,
teachers can provide feedback on their satisfaction with the activities, the ease of implementation, and any suggestions for improvements. The interim surveys aim to gather feedback from the teachers and determine who actively implemented the preschool program. We will perform a
heterogeneity analysis to examine whether completing the surveys (and thus conducting the program) results in differential treatment effects compared to not having filled out the interim surveys.