Experimental Design
The study employs a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the "Opgang-til-Opgang" program. Families were selected based on predefined inclusion criteria: residing in specific urban areas, having children under the age of 18, and demonstrating dependency on welfare benefits under the Danish Social Assistance Act.
To ensure balance across key characteristics, families were stratified into three distinct groups before randomization, based on geographical location and the duration of welfare dependency:
Stratum 1: Families residing in Gellerup or Toveshøj, regardless of welfare dependency duration.
Stratum 2: Families from Gellerup, Toveshøj, or Skovgårdsparken with welfare dependency lasting between one and five years.
Stratum 3: Families from Gellerup, Toveshøj, or Skovgårdsparken with at least one member receiving welfare benefits continuously for five years or more.
Within each stratum, families were randomly assigned to either the intervention group, which received the "Opgang-til-Opgang" program, or the control group. Both groups continued with standard municipal services.