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Abstract We propose to analyse the impact of a Community Driven Development program on social preferences, speci cally on attitudes toward inequality and inequity and preferences for participatory decision-making. We exploit the implementation of a randomized control trial which off ers to rural Bangladeshi communities the opportunity to build a public source of safe water and requires the community to take collective decisions within a public consultation process over key features of the project. We designed an innovative lab-in-the- eld experiment in order to elicit preferences toward redistribution and participation. Participants will play bargaining games where they decide how to allocate a common endowment among themselves, with and without the requirement of contributing to its creation. In a subsequent phase, we will measure individual willingness to pay for participatory decision-making versus delegation. Our findings will inform on the impact of CDD programs on social norms and preferences in receiving communities, a crucial feature to account for when assessing the long term impact of participatory development. We propose to analyse the impact of a Community Driven Development program on social preferences, specifi cally on attitudes towards inequality and inequity and preferences for participatory decision-making. We exploit the implementation of a randomized control trial which off ers to rural Bangladeshi communities the opportunity to build a public source of safe water and requires them to take collective decisions within a public consultation process over key features of the project. We designed an innovative lab-in-the- eld experiment in order to elicit preferences toward redistribution and participation. Players participate to face-to-face group discussions to decide how to allocate a common endowment among themselves, with and without the requirement of contributing to its creation. In a subsequent stage of the experiment, we measure individual willingness to pay for participatory decision-making. Our findings will inform on the impact of CDD programs on social norms and preferences in receiving communities, a crucial feature to account for when assessing the long term impact of participatory development.
Trial End Date March 01, 2017 March 15, 2017
Last Published November 27, 2016 01:33 PM January 20, 2017 05:10 AM
Intervention End Date March 01, 2017 March 15, 2017
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