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Trial Start Date December 16, 2016 December 17, 2016
Last Published December 15, 2016 03:05 PM December 16, 2016 11:05 PM
Intervention Start Date December 16, 2016 December 17, 2016
Experimental Design (Public) Laboratory experiment plus MTurk experiment. There are 6 treatment arms in a 3x2 design, combining 3 different types of messages with 2 "new products". Full details in pre-analysis plan registered with OSF. Laboratory experiment plus MTurk experiment. There are 9 treatment arms in a 3x3 design, combining 3 different types of messages with 2 "new products" + 1 absence of a new product. Full details in pre-analysis plan registered with OSF.
Planned Number of Clusters 600 laboratory subjects 1,200 MTurk subjects 800 laboratory subjects 1,800 MTurk subjects
Planned Number of Observations 600 laboratory subjects 1,200 MTurk subjects 800 laboratory subjects 1,800 MTurk subjects
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 200 to each of the 6 groups for MTurk For laboratory experiment, 200 health messaging - new product 1, 100 health messaging - new product 2, 200 ethical messaging - new product 1, 100 ethical messaging - new product 2. This is to allow for a further subdivision amongst those who receive information about new product 1 for a separate paper (which will have its own pre-registration and pre-analysis plan). 200 to each of the 9 groups for MTurk For laboratory experiment, 200 health messaging - new product 1, 100 health messaging - new product 2, 100 health messaging - no new product, 200 ethical messaging - new product 1, 100 ethical messaging - new product 2, 100 ethical messaging - no new product. The extra weight on new product 1 is to allow for a further subdivision amongst those who receive information about new product 1 for a separate paper (which will have its own pre-registration and pre-analysis plan).
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