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Trial Start Date July 01, 2017 September 28, 2017
Trial End Date June 30, 2018 April 30, 2018
Last Published June 06, 2017 03:37 PM September 28, 2017 09:13 AM
Intervention Start Date July 01, 2017 September 28, 2017
Intervention End Date June 30, 2018 April 30, 2018
Primary Outcomes (Explanation) We will construct measures for the following FP-related outcomes: use of oral contraceptives, use of injectables, use of other short-acting method, and use of long-active reversible method. For ANC-related outcomes, we will measure any ANC visit, gestational age at first ANC visit, and number of ANC visits. Willingness to pay is computed by Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) or/and Take it or leave it (TIOLI) method We will construct measures for the following FP-related outcomes: use of oral contraceptives, use of injectables, use of other short-acting method, and use of long-active reversible method. For ANC-related outcomes, we will measure any ANC visit, gestational age at first ANC visit, and number of ANC visits. Demand for pregnancy test kit is computed by Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) or/and Take it or leave it (TIOLI) method.
Experimental Design (Public) Following baseline data collection, half of the sample will be provided with a home pregnancy test to assess how resolving uncertainty about pregnancy status affects beliefs and behaviors. Following baseline data collection, around half of the sample will be provided with a home pregnancy test to assess how resolving uncertainty about pregnancy status affects beliefs and behaviors.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 150 women, offer free pregnancy test at baseline and given a pregnancy test kit for future use 150 women, offer free pregnancy test at baseline 150 women, given a pregnancy test kit for future use 150 women, control group. No intervention. 180 women, offer free pregnancy test at baseline and at follow up survey. 180 women, offer free pregnancy test at baseline. 240 women, control group. No intervention.
Power calculation: Minimum Detectable Effect Size for Main Outcomes According to the DHS 2011 in Uganda, 19.22% of people use modern contraceptive in South West region (sample weighted). Following the power calculation of two proportion test (standard deviation automatically calculated by mean since the outcome is binary variable), the treatment group has to have 30.62% take up of family planning with power set at 0.9. This is the 11.41 percentage points increase from the baseline. According to the DHS 2016 in Uganda, 34.1% of people use modern contraceptive in Ankole region (sample weighted). Following the power calculation of two proportion test, the treatment group has to have 47.31% take up of family planning with power set at 0.9. This is the 13.21 percentage points increase from the baseline.
Intervention (Hidden) Randomization A: Randomly provide half of the (non-pregnant) women a home pregnancy test to take at the time of the baseline survey to assess how resolving uncertainty about pregnancy status affects beliefs and behaviors; Randomization B: Randomize ½ of the respondents (non-pregnant), stratified by Randomization A, to receive a free pregnancy tests to keep for themselves at the end of the baseline. Randomization A: Randomly provide half of the (non-pregnant) women a home pregnancy test to take at the time of the baseline survey to assess how resolving uncertainty about pregnancy status affects beliefs and behaviors. Randomization B: Randomize some of the respondents (non-pregnant) stratified by Randomization A, to receive a free pregnancy tests in the follow up survey.
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