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Last Published September 28, 2017 04:53 PM October 07, 2017 07:44 AM
Primary Outcomes (Explanation) We will construct measures for the following FP-related outcomes: use of any short-acting method and use of long-acting reversible method. For ANC-related outcomes, we will measure any ANC visit, gestational age at first ANC visit, and number of ANC visits. Demand for pregnancy test kit is computed by Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) or/and Take it or leave it (TIOLI) method. We will construct measures for the following FP-related outcomes: use of any short-acting method and use of long-acting reversible method. For ANC-related outcomes, we will measure any ANC visit, gestational age at first ANC visit, and number of ANC visits. Demand for pregnancy test kit is computed by Becker-DeGroot-Marschak (BDM) or/and Take it or leave it (TIOLI) method. We will also conduct sub-analyses among women who are not using modern family planning at baseline and women who are using modern family planning at baseline.
Experimental Design (Public) Following baseline data collection, around 60% of the sample will be provided with a home pregnancy test to assess how resolving uncertainty about pregnancy status affects beliefs and behaviors. Following baseline data collection, around 60% of the sample will be provided with a home pregnancy test to assess how resolving uncertainty about pregnancy status affects beliefs and behaviors. During follow-up survey rounds, a subset of women in the treatment group will also be given free pregnancy tests for future use. At endline, we will also experimentally test willingness to pay for home pregnancy tests.
Intervention (Hidden) Randomization A: Randomly provide half of the (non-pregnant) women a home pregnancy test to take at the time of the baseline survey to assess how resolving uncertainty about pregnancy status affects beliefs and behaviors. Randomization B: Randomize some of the respondents (non-pregnant) stratified by Randomization A, to receive a free pregnancy tests in the follow up survey. Randomization A: Randomly provide 60% of the (non-pregnant) women a home pregnancy test to take at the time of the baseline survey to assess how resolving uncertainty about pregnancy status affects beliefs and behaviors. Randomization B: Randomize some of the respondents (non-pregnant) who received pregnancy test at baseline to receive a free pregnancy test at the follow up surveys.
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