When starting the task, participants will be informed about the company, what a slogan is and the task. The task is then described as: We have in total 21 products. Your task is to create at least three slogans. One slogan for each of three different products. But of course, we appreciate if you decide to create slogans for more than three products.
The products will be shown to you in sequence. The next product will be shown to you only after you created the slogan for the previous product. For each product you will see a detailed description and a picture. Underneath the product description you will find a blank box. In that blank box you can write the slogan(s). Once you are sure about the slogan please select “submit”.
Participants will then get randomized into one of 9 treatments:
1. Baseline treatment: The task is considered completed if you create 3 slogans. Upon completion of the task, you will be paid the pre-announced wage of $1.50. However, we would really appreciate if you could create at least 6 slogans.
2. Unconditional donation treatment: The task is considered completed if you create 3 slogans. Upon completion of the task, you will be paid the pre-announced wage of $1.50. Furthermore, we will make a donation of 75 cents to Doctors without Borders (US). This donation is made unconditionally on whether you create any extra slogans. However, we would really appreciate if you could create at least 6 slogans. We will post the receipt of the donation online for you to verify 14 days after we collected all the slogans (and donations). Totally anonymous.
3. Unconditional donation treatment (with explanation): The task is considered completed if you create 3 slogans. Upon completion of the task, you will be paid the pre-announced wage of $1.50. Furthermore, we will make a donation of 75 cents to Doctors without Borders (US). This donation is made unconditionally on whether you create any extra slogans. However, we would really appreciate if you could create at least 6 slogans. We will post the receipt of the donation online for you to verify 14 days after we collected all the slogans (and donations). Totally anonymous. Why do we make a donation? We are strongly committed to be a socially responsible company (e.g. helping the larger community), even if this implies sacrificing some profit.
4. Conditional donation treatment: The task is considered completed if you create 3 slogans. Upon completion of the task, you will be paid the pre-announced wage of $1.50. Furthermore, if you create (at least) 6 slogans instead of 3, we will make a donation of 75 cents to Doctors without Borders (US). This donation is made conditionally on you creating at least three extra slogans. Indeed, we would really appreciate if you could create at least 6 slogans. We will post the receipt of the donation online for you to verify 14 days after we collected all the slogans (and donations). Totally anonymous.
5. Conditional donation treatment (with explanation): The task is considered completed if you create 3 slogans. Upon completion of the task, you will be paid the pre-announced wage of $1.50. Furthermore, if you create (at least) 6 slogans instead of 3, we will make a donation of 75 cents to Doctors without Borders (US). This donation is made conditionally on you creating at least three extra slogans. Indeed, we would really appreciate if you could create at least 6 slogans. We will post the receipt of the donation online for you to verify 14 days after we collected all the slogans (and donations). Totally anonymous. Why do we make the donation? The donation is profitable for us: you doing (at least) three extra slogans for a donation of 75 cents is less costly for us than hiring another worker to do (at least) three slogans for a wage of $1.50.
6. Unconditional bonus treatment: The task is considered completed if you create 3 slogans. Upon completion of the task, you will be paid the pre-announced wage of $1.50. Furthermore, you will receive a bonus of 75 cents. This bonus is given unconditionally on whether you create any extra slogans. However, we would really appreciate if you could create at least 6 slogans.
7. Unconditional bonus treatment (with explanation): The task is considered completed if you create 3 slogans. Upon completion of the task, you will be paid the pre-announced wage of $1.50. Furthermore, you will receive a bonus of 75 cents. This bonus is given unconditionally on whether you create any extra slogans. However, we would really appreciate if you could create at least 6 slogans. Why do we give you the bonus? We are strongly committed to be an employee-friendly company, even if this implies sacrificing some profit.
8. Conditional bonus treatment: The task is considered completed if you create 3 slogans. Upon completion of the task, you will be paid the pre-announced wage of $1.50. Furthermore, if you create (at least) 6 slogans instead of 3, you will receive a bonus of 75 cents. This bonus is given conditionally on you creating at least three extra slogans. Indeed, we would really appreciate if you could create at least 6 slogans.
9. Conditional bonus treatment (with explanation): The task is considered completed if you create 3 slogans. Upon completion of the task, you will be paid the pre-announced wage of $1.50. Furthermore, if you create (at least) 6 slogans instead of 3, you will receive a bonus of 75 cents. This bonus is given conditionally on you creating at least two extra slogans. Indeed, we would really appreciate if you could create at least 6 slogans. Why do we give you the bonus? The bonus is profitable for us: you doing (at least) three extra slogans for a wage of 75 cents is less costly for us than hiring another worker to do (at least) three slogans for a wage of $1.50.
We then ask the workers: How many slogans do you want to create? 3 Slogans OR 6 Slogans
Workers are shown the products in sequence. Once they create three slogans, one for each of three different products, they get to the next page.
We thank them for completing the task. Depending on the treatment, we summary the payments (plus bonus or donation). Then we ask everybody: “Would you like to do any more slogans? We would really appreciate if you could create at least 3 more slogans. Yes OR No”
If they clicked “yes” in the previous page, they are shown again the slogans in sequence. After each new slogan created, they are shown a screen with sentence: “Thank you for creating this extra slogan. Would you like to create one more? [Yes/No]” Once they click “No” the experiment is over.
We end with a survey in which we ask:
1. Gender
2. How attractive would our company be as a potential employee? (Likert scale: 0-Not attractive at all - 10-Very attractive)
3. Please rate PharmaGIC on a scale from 0 "Not at all socially responsible" to 10 "Very socially responsible": [0-Not at all socially responsible - 10-Very socially responsible]
4. How satisfied were you with the incentives that we provided for this task? [0-Not at all satisfied- 10-Very satisfied]
5. "What do you think:
- How many other MTurkers did more than 3 slogans? (0-100%)
- How many other MTurkers did more than 6 slogans? (0-100%)
- How many slogans did the others do on average? (3-21)
- How motivating are the incentives for other MTurkers?[0-Not at all satisfied- 10-Very satisfied]"
6. "How calculated do you think was our choice of incentives?" [0-Not at all calculated- 10-Very calculated]
7. How often do you donate money to a charitable organization? Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Regularly
8. How often do you volunteer for a good cause? Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Regularly
9. Let us know your opinion about our task and our incentives: (leave empty box to insert text)