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Last Published March 12, 2014 08:53 AM August 13, 2014 10:01 AM
Intervention (Public) The intervention consists in three parent meetings held by a voluntary Grade 4 or Grade 5 teacher. After the first term, the parents were invited to register for the meetings and were requested to attend at least two of them. The voluntary teachers were trained by the General Motor's Foundation for South Africa, a NGO that has been involved in parenting for several years in the school district of Port Elisabeth. The meetings covered several aspects of parental involvement at home and at school. During the first session, parents and teachers discussed about parenting at home (what's parenting? What is a role model? Importance of routines at home). The second session was about parenting and school:understanding the subjects taught at school and the way they are assessed, importance of parental support to succeed at school and how to effectively help their child. The third session gave an action plan to improve parenting, and highlighted the importance of encouragement and praise. The intervention consists in three parent meetings held by a voluntary Grade 4 or Grade 5 teacher. After the first term, the parents were invited to register for the meetings and were requested to attend at least two of them. The voluntary teachers were trained by the General Motor's Foundation for South Africa, a NGO that has been involved in parenting for several years in the school district of Port Elisabeth. The meetings covered several aspects of parental involvement at home and at school. During the first session, parents and teachers discussed about parenting at home (what's parenting? What is a role model? Importance of routines at home). The second session was about parenting and school:understanding the subjects taught at school and the way they are assessed, importance of parental support to succeed at school and how to effectively help their child. The third session gave an action plan to improve parenting, and highlighted the importance of encouragement and praise.
Experimental Design (Public) 1°) Before Randomization Before randomization and in each schools included in the experimental population, we identified a list of G4 or G5 teachers willing to facilitate the three meetings and be trained by the NGO. We also identified a list of parents, whose child is enrolled in a G4 or a G5 classes. This design allows identifying 4 pairs of comparable groups: (1) the learners whose teacher is a facilitator and his parent is voluntary to attend the meeting (2) the learners whose teacher is not a facilitator but his parent is voluntary to attend the meeting (3) the learners whose teacher is a facilitator but parents did not volunteer for the meeting (4) the learners whose teacher is a not facilitator but parents did not volunteer for the meeting 2°) After Randomization Randomization at school level creates for each of these sub-group in the treatment group a relevant counterfactual in the control group. Hence, by comparing group 1 in treatment and control we get the direct effect of the program on the learners whose teacher is a facilitator and parent is voluntary to attend the meeting etc... We can also pool group 1 and 2 and estimate on them the effect of the program on the volunteer parents (direct treatment effect) while pooling 3 and 4 would allow estimation of the program's impact on the non volunteer parents (spill over of the program). 3°) Randomizing information In addition to randomizing schools, for the learners whose parents were volunteer, we have also randomized the information provided to parents about the achievement test organized at the end of the school year. Half of the volunteer parents were informed about the achievement test content and were advised to help their child preparing for it. We believe that this second round of randomization at the individual level should provides sufficient variation to estimate the "realized" parental involvement (as opposed to the self-declared parental involvement that can be assessed from questionnaires) 1°) Before Randomization Before randomization and in each schools included in the experimental population, we identified a list of G4 or G5 teachers willing to facilitate the three meetings and be trained by the NGO. We also identified a list of parents, whose child is enrolled in a G4 or a G5 classes. This design allows identifying 4 pairs of comparable groups: (1) the learners whose teacher is a facilitator and his parent is voluntary to attend the meeting (2) the learners whose teacher is not a facilitator but his parent is voluntary to attend the meeting (3) the learners whose teacher is a facilitator but parents did not volunteer for the meeting (4) the learners whose teacher is not a facilitator but parents did not volunteer for the meeting 2°) After Randomization Randomization at school level creates for each of these sub-group in the treatment group a relevant counterfactual in the control group. Hence, by comparing group 1 in treatment and control we get the direct effect of the program on the learners whose teacher is a facilitator and parent is voluntary to attend the meeting etc... We can also pool group 1 and 2 and estimate on them the effect of the program on the volunteer parents (direct treatment effect) while pooling 3 and 4 would allow estimation of the program's impact on the non volunteer parents (spill over of the program). 3°) Randomizing information In addition to randomizing schools, for the learners whose parents were volunteer, we have also randomized the information provided to parents about the achievement test organized at the end of the school year. Half of the volunteer parents were informed about the achievement test content and were advised to help their child preparing for it. We believe that this second round of randomization at the individual level should provides sufficient variation to estimate the "realized" parental involvement (as opposed to the self-declared parental involvement that can be assessed from questionnaires).
Randomization Method randomization done in office by a computer Randomization done in office by a computer
First registered on March 12, 2014
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