Iron fortification and psychosocial stimulation to foster early childhood development in rural India

Last registered on March 05, 2018


Trial Information

General Information

Iron fortification and psychosocial stimulation to foster early childhood development in rural India
Initial registration date
March 05, 2018

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
March 05, 2018, 10:51 AM EST

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.



Primary Investigator

University of Göttingen

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
University of Goettingen
PI Affiliation
University of Goettingen

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Secondary IDs
Malnutrition and lack of cognitive stimulation are primary risk factors of early childhood development and highly correlated with poverty. Particular children growing up in highly resource constrained environments often fail to reach their developmental potential, which adversely affects socio-economic outcomes later in life.
This trial tests at large scale a set of potentially cost-effective tools to improve cognitive, language, socioemotional and motor development of toddlers in rural Bihar, India. We evaluate three interventions with 2000 children aged between 10 and 32 months. The first intervention addresses iron deficiency anemia, a biological risk factor of early development. We distributed a small cast iron ingot shaped like a tulsi leaf, labelled the Lucky Iron Leaf, for iron fortification. By placing the Lucky Iron Leaf in a cooking vessel of boiling water it releases iron into the water and the food. The second intervention addresses cognitive stimulation, a psychosocial risk factor of early development. We conducted four home visits during which dialogic reading was trained and practiced with the primary caregiver and her child. Dialogic reading refers to a method of looking at picture books which emphasizes strategic questioning and feedback in order to encourage children to speak and learn. For daily practice of dialogic reading three picture books were given to the caregiver and her child. Adding on intervention two, the third intervention is a dialogic reading calendar and serves as a reminder and encouragement for daily dialogic reading. We distributed colourful calendars, containing the months of the year, relevant moon periods and religious holidays, and caregivers use stickers to indicate whenever they practiced dialogic reading.
The trial follows an individually randomised controlled design. We randomly allocated caregiver-child pairs to one of six groups: (i) Lucky Iron Leaf group, (ii) dialogic reading group without a calendar, (iii) dialogic reading group with a calendar, (vi) Lucky Iron Leaf and dialogic reading group without a calendar, (v) Lucky Iron Leaf and dialogic reading group with a calendar, and (vi) no-intervention group.
We expect the iron fortification intervention to reduce iron deficiency anemia and consequently to improve cognitive and motor development. We expect the dialogic reading intervention to show positive effects on the child’s expressive and receptive vocabulary and socioemotional development. Further we expect these effects to be reinforced among the dialogic reading calendar groups.
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Registration Citation

Ebert, Cara, Esther Heesemann and Sebastian Vollmer. 2018. "Iron fortification and psychosocial stimulation to foster early childhood development in rural India." AEA RCT Registry. March 05.
Former Citation
Ebert, Cara, Esther Heesemann and Sebastian Vollmer. 2018. "Iron fortification and psychosocial stimulation to foster early childhood development in rural India." AEA RCT Registry. March 05.
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Experimental Details


The trial consists of three interventions. The first intervention is a household level distribution of a cooking utensil for iron fortification. The cooking utensil is a small cast iron ingot shaped like a tulsi leaf, labelled the Lucky Iron LeafTM. By placing the Lucky Iron LeafTM in a cooking vessel of boiling water it releases iron into the water and the food. The second intervention is a home-based psychosocial stimulation intervention. During four home-visits we trained caregivers in the methods of dialogic reading and practiced it. Additionally, we distributed three picture books for the caregivers to keep and to practice daily dialogic reading with their toddlers. The third intervention is a dialogic reading calendar and adds on intervention two. The colourful calendars contain the months of the year, relevant moon periods and religious holidays, and caregivers use stickers to indicate whenever they practiced dialogic reading.
Intervention (Hidden)
The first intervention addresses malnutrition, more precisely iron deficiency anemia, as a biological risk factor of early childhood development. We evaluate the Lucky Iron LeafTM for home-based iron fortification of food as a way to avoid adverse effects of iron deficiency anemia on child development.

The Lucky Iron LeafTM is a cast iron ingot shaped like a tulsi leaf. It is placed in a cooking vessel with boiling water and leaches iron into the water and the food when cooked for about 10 minutes. Some acid such as a few drops of lemon juice, a tomato or tamarind are required for the release of iron and available at low prices at the local markets. Consuming the food prepared with the Lucky Iron LeafTM increases the iron content in the blood and decreases iron deficiency anemia. The Lucky Iron LeafTM was produced by the Lucky Iron Fish Inc corporation. It is an alternative to the Lucky Iron FishTM, which has been tested in trials with women in Cambodia, and was developed for the Indian market specifically and vegetarian markets in more general. The Lucky Iron Leaf was distributed to households by local facilitators who were trained in relevant knowledge related to iron deficiency anemia and the use of the Lucky Iron Leaf. During home visits facilitators explained to caregivers and the person responsible for cooking (effectively always the mother) about the prevalence of anemia in the region, populations that are particularly prone to iron deficiency anemia (women and children), its causes, symptoms and remedies. Additionally facilitators distributed and explained a picture based How-to-cook-with the Lucky Iron LeafTM manual and were equipped with a tablet to show a short video on how to use the Lucky Iron Leaf and to demonstrate to the recipient that people similar to them have used it for cooking.

The second intervention addresses cognitive stimulation as a psychosocial risk factor of early childhood development. We evaluate a dialogic reading training and practice program to encourage daily cognitive stimulation. Dialogic reading refers to a method of looking at picture books which emphasizes strategic questioning and feedback in order to encourage children to speak and learn.
We conducted four home visits during which dialogic reading was trained and practiced with the primary caregivers and the child. In the first three visits we distributed one picture book per visit (three books in total) and at each visit the caregivers were encouraged to practice daily dialogic reading. The picture books are colourful books with familiar images (in rural Bihar) and stimulating features of colours, shapes and materials. Each training contained a different topic, starting with basic rules for book sharing and advancing through the four home visits to topics of pointing and naming, talking about and relating to experiences, and talking about and relating to feelings. The training content was provided by the Mikhulu Trust and was based on a program implemented and evaluated in South Africa before. Home visits were conducted by local facilitators who were trained by experienced personell of the Mikhulu Trust. Each home visit was about 40 to 60 minutes long and entailed 30 to 50 minutes of training - using presentations on tablets to convey the content, and to show pictures and videos - and about 10 minutes of practice - using the books given to the caregivers and the child in the respective session or earlier.

Adding on intervention two, the third intervention is a dialogic reading calendar and serves as a reminder and encouragement for daily dialogic reading. Colourful calendars, containing the months of the year, relevant moon periods and religious holidays together with colourful stickers that caregivers are encouraged to stick onto the calendar each time they practice dialogic reading were distributed during the third home visit. The calendar was designed to look appealing to the caregivers and to elicit a satisfactory feeling when sticking the stickers onto the calendar after dialogic reading and hence encourage regular practice of dialogic reading. The same facilitators who conducted the dialogic reading training distributed and explained the dialogic reading calendar to the caregivers.
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
- Early childhood development
- Hemoglobin and iron deficiency anaemia
Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Early childhood development is measured using an adapted and translated to Hindi version of the German early childhood development test FREDI 0-3 (Mähler, Cartschau and Rohleder 2016). The test assesses four areas of development: cognitive, language (receptive and expressive), motor (fine or gross), and socio-emotional development. The test includes parent questions and facilitator administered items with child.

Haemoglobin concentration is measured on the spot from capillary blood using hemocues. Iron deficiency anemia is derived based on WHO threshold of haemoglobin values.

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
- Home environment / parenting quality
- Child health indicators
- Stunting
- Waisting
- Underweight
- Head circumference
- Maternal health, behavior and living circumstances
- Family nutrition
- Health care utilization
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
The study is a randomised controlled trial. Intervention groups were randomised at the household level. We randomly allocated households with caregiver-child pairs to one of six groups: (i) Lucky Iron Leaf group, (ii) dialogic reading group without a calendar, (iii) dialogic reading group with a calendar, (vi) Lucky Iron Leaf and dialogic reading group without a calendar, (v) Lucky Iron Leaf and dialogic reading group with a calendar, and (vi) no-intervention group. Because the dialogic reading calendar is an add-on intervention, the dialogic reading groups with and without calendar are each half the size of the pure lucky Iron LeafTM and control group.
Experimental Design Details
Randomization Method
Randomization took place in a two-stage procedure. First, we randomly allocated individuals into 4 groups: (i) Lucky Iron Leaf group, (ii) dialogic reading group, (iii) Lucky Iron Leaf and dialogic reading group, and (iv) no-intervention group. The assignment of households into these groups was random with equal probability of 0.25. A uniformly distributed set of random numbers between 0 and 1 were allocated to each household using the statistical software Stata13. Next, households were sorted in ascending order of the generated random number. The first 500 households formed the first group, households 501 to 1000 formed the second group, households 1001 to 1500 formed the third group, and households 1501 to 2000 formed the fourth group.

In a second step, dialogic reading groups were rerandomized into calendar and no calendar sub-groups using the same procedure as explained above. The first 500 households formed the first group and households 501 to 1000 formed the second group.

This leads to the following six groups with selection probability indicated in parentheses: (i) Lucky Iron Leaf group (p=0.25), (ii) dialogic reading group without a calendar (p=0.125), (iii) dialogic reading group with a calendar (p=0.125), (vi) Lucky Iron Leaf and dialogic reading group without a calendar (p=0.125), (v) Lucky Iron Leaf and dialogic reading group with a calendar (p=0.125), and (vi) no-intervention group (p=0.25).

The generation of the allocation sequence and the assignment to interventions was done by researchers of the University of Goettingen.
Randomization Unit
Household level
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
Sample size: planned number of observations
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
The sample consists of a total of 2000 households.
500 households the pure control group
500 households the pure Lucky Iron LeafTM group
250 in the Lucky Iron LeafTM + Dialogic reading group
250 in the Lucky Iron LeafTM + Dialogic reading group + Calendar group
250 in the pure Dialogic reading group
250 in the Dialogic reading group + Calendar group.
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

IRB Name
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number
IRB Name
Ethics committee of the University of Göttingen (Germany)
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number


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