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Abstract Appeals to group identities can trigger humans to confirm their self-images and increase norm-consistent behavior. As humans have inescapably plural identities, politicians, companies and NGOs that want to use identity-based messages face a tough choice between the multiple identities of their audience in any particular context. In 2014, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Clean India Campaign which was designed to shape social norms on littering and open-defecation. The nationwide campaign builds heavily on national identity and patriotism. This project will test which kind of identity should best be addressed in a public campaign to reduce littering throug a field experiment in Bengaluru, India. Appeals to group identities can increase contributions to public goods and induce pro-social behavior. But humans have inescapably plural identities. Therefore politicians, companies and NGOs that want to make use of group identities in public campaigns or in private messages face a tough choice between the multiple identities of their audience in any particular context. In 2014, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Clean India Campaign which aims at changing social norms for littering and open-defecation. This project will test whether appeals to group identities can reduce littering in a field experiment in Bengaluru, India, and whether local identities or the national identiy are more effective.
Trial End Date November 30, 2018 December 31, 2019
Last Published August 02, 2018 01:41 AM November 05, 2018 12:45 PM
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