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Last Published May 12, 2022 01:53 PM October 25, 2022 02:56 PM
Experimental Design (Public) Our experiment involves randomly extending revised contract offerings to graduates enrolled in Lumni ISAs. These contract offerings will take the form of “discounts” to income-share obligations in exchange for an additional up-front payment. Consider an ISA enrollee three years after graduation who is obligated to pay 15 percent of her annual income to Lumni over the next two years. In the first wave of the experiment, one experimental treatment would offer that student a revised contract reducing her income-share obligation to 10 percent in exchange for an additional 70,000 pesos per month. Another treatment offers the same five-percentage-point reduction for 1,000 pesos, and another treatment group offers a ten-percentage-point reduction for 70,000 pesos. In the second wave of the experiment, we extend another offer to the same sample of ISA enrollees eighteen months after the initial treatment. Within each of the four initial experimental groups, we randomly offer income-share reductions of 5pp to one half and 10pp to the other half. We then determine flat monthly payments by randomizing the "valuation" placed on each individual's income in pesos-per-income-share. For example, a valuation of 1 million pesos would require a flat payment of 100,000 pesos for a 10pp income-share reduction or 50,000 pesos for a 5pp income-share reduction. Our experiment involves randomly extending revised contract offerings to graduates enrolled in Lumni ISAs. These contract offerings will take the form of “discounts” to income-share obligations in exchange for an additional up-front payment. Consider an ISA enrollee three years after graduation who is obligated to pay 15 percent of her annual income to Lumni over the next two years. In the first wave of the experiment, one experimental treatment would offer that student a revised contract reducing her income-share obligation to 10 percent in exchange for an additional 70,000 pesos per month. Another treatment offers the same five-percentage-point reduction for 1,000 pesos, and another treatment group offers a ten-percentage-point reduction for 70,000 pesos. In the second wave of the experiment, roughly two years after Wave 1, we extend both 70,000 pesos treatment offers to 16 additional ISA enrollees as well as 26 of the original control group from Wave 1.
Planned Number of Clusters 126 ISA enrollees Wave 1: 126 ISA enrollees Wave 2: 42 ISA enrollees
Planned Number of Observations 126 ISA enrollees Wave 1: 126 ISA enrollees Wave 2: 42 ISA enrollees
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms Wave 1: Control: No revised contract offered, N = 46 Treatment 1: ISA reduction=10%, Flat Monthly Payment=70,000 pesos, N = 40 Treatment 2: ISA reduction=5%, Flat Monthly Payment=70,000 pesos, N = 30 Treatment 3: ISA reduction=5%, Flat Monthly Payment=1,000 pesos, N = 10 Wave 2: Treatment 1: ISA reduction=5%, Flat Monthly Payment=25,000 pesos, N = 19 Treatment 2: ISA reduction=5%, Flat Monthly Payment=50,000 pesos, N = 10 Treatment 3: ISA reduction=5%, Flat Monthly Payment=100,000 pesos, N = 13 Treatment 4: ISA reduction=5%, Flat Monthly Payment=200,000 pesos, N = 20 Treatment 5: ISA reduction=10%, Flat Monthly Payment=50,000 pesos, N = 19 Treatment 6: ISA reduction=10%, Flat Monthly Payment=100,000 pesos, N = 15 Treatment 7: ISA reduction=10%, Flat Monthly Payment=200,000 pesos, N = 11 Treatment 8: ISA reduction=10%, Flat Monthly Payment=400,000 pesos, N = 18 Wave 1: Control: No revised contract offered, N = 46 Treatment 1: ISA reduction=10%, Flat Monthly Payment=70,000 pesos, N = 40 Treatment 2: ISA reduction=5%, Flat Monthly Payment=70,000 pesos, N = 30 Treatment 3: ISA reduction=5%, Flat Monthly Payment=1,000 pesos, N = 10 Wave 2: Treatment 1: ISA reduction=10%, Flat Monthly Payment=70,000 pesos, N = 21 Treatment 2: ISA reduction=5%, Flat Monthly Payment=70,000 pesos, N = 21
Intervention (Hidden) The start date for Wave 1 implementation is 2020-12-09 The start date for Wave 2 implementation is 2022-05-16 The start date for Wave 1 implementation is 2020-12-09 The start date for Wave 2 implementation is 2022-10-25
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