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Investigator Ioana Botea Julia Vaillant
Trial End Date December 31, 2021 September 30, 2022
Last Published February 16, 2021 05:56 PM March 15, 2021 10:50 AM
Intervention End Date December 01, 2019 December 31, 2019
Experimental Design (Public) The interventions described above are being evaluated using a randomized controlled trial (RCT). We adopt a two-level random assignment strategy. In a first stage, eligible households from the Social Registry are randomly selected to receive cash transfers, regardless of their PMT scores. The randomization is stratified by commune and ensuring that there is balance on a set of key indicators between the treatment and control group. Once informed of their treatment status, beneficiaries enroll in the Tekavoul intervention and be assigned to a social promotion space (SPS) of 40 households. In a second stage, the SPS are assigned to treatment groups through public lotteries. The selection of groups to receive social promotion activities is conducted at this stage. All households in an SPS receive the same treatment. The interventions described above are being evaluated using a randomized controlled trial (RCT). We adopt a two-level random assignment strategy. In a first stage, eligible households from the Social Registry are randomly selected to receive cash transfers, regardless of their PMT scores. The randomization is stratified by commune and ensuring that there is balance on a set of key indicators between the treatment and control group. Once informed of their treatment status, beneficiaries enroll in the Tekavoul intervention and be assigned to a social promotion space (SPS) of 38-40 households. In a second stage, the SPS are assigned to treatment groups through public lotteries. The selection of groups to receive social promotion activities is conducted at this stage. All households in an SPS receive the same treatment.
Planned Number of Clusters 120 SPS 117 SPS
Planned Number of Observations 4,320 households 4,509 households
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 60 SPS with social promotion, 60 SPS without social promotion 62 SPS with social promotion, 55 SPS without social promotion
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Affiliation World Bank
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