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Abstract This correspondence study will evaluate the nature of labor market discrimination of the indigenous population of a Latin American country. Previous correspondence studies in the same country found that the callback rate for white men and women applying to jobs was significantly higher than that of indigenous men and women, with the largest gap existing between white men and indigenous women (Galarza and Yamada, 2014). To further assess the level of statistical discrimination compared to taste-based discrimination present in this country's labor market, the study will test a nationwide education initiative's effectiveness as a signal of high aptitude and competency when participation in said program is placed on a CV. We will do this by sending fictitious CVs to vacancy job postings in urban areas of the country, two male and two female per job listing. We will randomly assign the signaling of aptitude and competency via education program participation to candidates. This correspondence study will evaluate the nature of labor market discrimination of the indigenous population of a Latin American country. Previous correspondence studies in the same country found that the callback rate for white men and women applying to jobs was significantly higher than that of indigenous men and women, with the largest gap existing between white men and indigenous women (Galarza and Yamada, 2014). To further assess the level of statistical discrimination compared to taste-based discrimination present in this country's labor market, the study will test a nationwide education initiative's effectiveness as a signal of high aptitude and competency when participation in said program is placed on a CV. We will do this by sending four fictitious CVs to each vacancy job postings in urban areas of the country. We will randomly assign the signaling of aptitude and competency via education program participation to candidates.
Last Published December 18, 2019 10:52 AM May 16, 2020 10:10 AM
Intervention (Public) Randomly assigned one applicant in the pair that applies to a job with participating in education inclusion program. Randomly assigned two applicants (out of four) that applies to a job with participating in education inclusion program.
Intervention Start Date March 15, 2019 June 03, 2019
Experimental Design (Public) This study follows a correspondence study design approach. Fictitious CVs will be sent to employers who listed job openings in the job markets we are observing. Four CVs will be sent to each employer: one man and one woman with treatment, and one man and one woman without treatment. The candidates that receive the treatment, which is the participation in an honorable education program, will be randomly selected. Callback rates for the CVs will be observed and recorded. This study follows a correspondence study design approach. Fictitious CVs will be sent to employers who listed job openings in the job markets we are observing. Four CVs will be sent to each employer reflecting the combination of paternal and maternal last names (mixed-races and indigenous). Half of the candidates receive the treatment, which is the participation in an merit-base scholarship, will be randomly selected. Callback rates for the CVs will be observed and recorded.
Randomization Method Done in office by a computer Done in office by a computer using randomized response software.
Was the treatment clustered? No Yes
Keyword(s) Gender, Labor Education, Gender, Labor
Intervention (Hidden) Randomly assigned one applicant in the pair that applies to a job as being the recipient of Peru's Beca18. Randomly assigned two applicants (out of four) that applies to a job as being the recipient of Peru's Beca18.
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