Using behavioural economic insights to overcome student procrastination

Last registered on June 29, 2023


Trial Information

General Information

Using behavioural economic insights to overcome student procrastination
Initial registration date
June 16, 2020

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
June 17, 2020, 10:33 AM EDT

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.

Last updated
June 29, 2023, 6:48 AM EDT

Last updated is the most recent time when changes to the trial's registration were published.



Primary Investigator

The University of Queensland

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
University of Sydney
PI Affiliation
University of Queensland
PI Affiliation
University of Vienna

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Prior work
This trial does not extend or rely on any prior RCTs.
The ability to complete academic work in a timely manner is critical to students’ success at school. This project builds on insights from behavioural economics to investigate the mechanisms responsible for students’ tendency to procrastinate in their studies and to test simple interventions to overcome procrastination problems. We randomise a large sample of senior secondary students in Australia into a baseline and three treatment groups, in which we observe the timing and success of completion of a sustained real effort task. Treatments vary based on the length of the deadline given to complete the task and on whether students receive a reminder (unanticipated or anticipated) to do the task. In a second step, we elicit experimental measures of impatience and present bias, which are theoretically linked to procrastination behaviour, of these students to investigate how empirically observed procrastination behaviour correlates with students’ time preferences. Finally, we link our behavioural measures to administrative data to examine whether present-biased preferences and procrastination behaviour are predictive of students’ university entrance scores.
External Link(s)

Registration Citation

Albrecht, Sabina et al. 2023. "Using behavioural economic insights to overcome student procrastination." AEA RCT Registry. June 29.
Experimental Details


The first part of our study is designed to observe procrastination behaviour of high school students in their regular school setting. This part contains an RCT with four interventions, described below. (The second part of our study is an experimental elicitation of time preferences and does not contain any intervention as such. Details about that part can be found under Experimental Design.)
We give the students a real-effort task that is commonly used in laboratory experiments as an incentivised homework to be completed by a set deadline. We observe the students’ working patterns on the homework task, from which we derive measures of procrastination. By randomising classes into different interventions aimed at overcoming procrastination behaviour, we study the effectiveness of these interventions in terms of overcoming procrastination behaviour in a naturalistic setting. The interventions vary the length of the deadline to complete the homework task and whether students receive a reminder to complete the task before the end of the deadline. Specifically, the four interventions/treatment conditions are:
1) Baseline: Four-week deadline, no reminder
2) Short deadline: One-week deadline, no reminder
3) Anticipated reminder: Four-week deadline, anticipated reminder
4) Unanticipated reminder: Four-week deadline, unanticipated reminder
Intervention (Hidden)
We estimate the sustained real-effort task to take on average one hour to complete. Only students who complete the task within the set deadline qualify for the monetary incentive. We randomise students at the class level into one of the four experimental conditions using randomization software (see details under Randomization Method). Further details on the interventions:

1) Baseline: Four-week deadline, no reminder
The students have four weeks to complete the task. They will not receive any form of reminder to complete the task.

2) Short deadline: One-week deadline, no reminder
The students have one week to complete the task. They will not receive any form of reminder to complete the task.

3) Anticipated reminder: Four-week deadline, anticipated reminder
The students have four weeks to complete the task. Two days before the deadline, they will receive a text message (email) reminder to complete the task. The students know that they will receive a reminder.

4) Unanticipated reminder: Four-week deadline, unanticipated reminder
The students have four weeks to complete the task. Two days before the deadline, they will receive a text message (email) reminder to complete the task. The students do not know that they will receive a reminder.

Instructions to the experiment follow a script and are given in class by one of the experimenters. The instructions to conditions 1, 2 and 4 contain no mention of any reminder, such that students should not expect to receive a reminder to do the task. If students ask about a reminder, students in condition 1, 2 and 4 receive the answer that we cannot tell them. All questions are taken privately by the experimenter and are made public only if the answer concerns everybody. The period to work on the homework task begins two days after the delivery of the instructions for all conditions.
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
The primary outcomes are based on the recorded attempts to complete the task.
- Dichotomous: Starting to complete the task
- Continuous: Time of starting to complete the task
- Dichotomous: Success of completion
- Continuous: Time of completion
- Continuous: Number of attempts at completion
- Continuous: Time of attempts
- Continuous: Progression before the reminder (anticipated/unanticipated)
Primary Outcomes (explanation)
All primary outcomes can be observed directly from the data.

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
No secondary outcomes considered at this time.
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
No secondary outcomes considered at this time.

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
Our study design comprises two experimental parts, which are both artefactual field experiments in the classification of Harrison and List (2004)*. The first part is designed to observe procrastination – a behavioural implication of present bias – in high school students in an unobtrusive and naturalistic setting. In this part, we give the students an incentivised homework, consisting of a real-effort task requiring sustained attention, to be completed within a set deadline. We make use of the described interventions aiming at improving the timeliness of goal completion. The second part is designed to measure time preferences (i.e. an individual’s preference for when to do tasks and his or her bias for the present) for each student. For this part, we follow the experimental methodology of Augenblick, Niederle and Sprenger (2015)**.

Reflecting the two-part design, the study is executed over two separate periods. The first part takes place over the course of five weeks. At a first visit to the school, students fill out a background questionnaire, receive instructions and get to practice the homework task for the first part of the study. Two days later, the period to work on the homework task begins, which is up to four weeks long. Subsequently, we return to the school to introduce the second part of the study, which takes place over the course of three weeks.

*Harrison, G.W. and List, J.A. (2004). Field Experiments, Journal of Economic Literature, 1009-1055.
**Augenblick, N., Niederle, M. and Sprenger, C. (2015). Working Over Time: Dynamic Inconsistency in Real Effort Tasks, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1067-1115.
Experimental Design Details
Part 1 of the study is designed to observe procrastination in an unobtrusive and naturalistic setting, and to test which practical interventions help reduce it.

We use a math-related real-effort task that is designed to demand a sustained commitment of time and attention, that is not strongly related to individual math ability, and that cannot be solved easily through cheating. The task is based on the so-called matrix task (Mazar, Amir and Ariely 2008 ), in which students are given a sequence of 3x4 matrices filled with 1- or 2-decimal numbers between 0 and 10. The task is then to solve a fixed number of matrices by selecting the two numbers that add up to exactly 10 in each matrix. Each matrix is randomly generated and can be unambiguously evaluated. Whether the numbers have one or two decimals is randomly generated with equal probability. To complete the entire homework task and obtain the monetary incentive, the students must solve 120 matrices in one single sitting, whereby inactivity of up to 15 minutes is permissible, before the end of the deadline. The monetary incentive for the completion of the homework task consists of AU$20 (US$13.20), which is added to an initial balance of AU$5 (US$3.30), in the form of a gift voucher of a store of their choice.

The advantage of this task is that it gives us the flexibility to adjust the difficulty to an appropriate level for senior secondary students. We have trialled the task with a small number of students in a pilot study in the laboratory. Based on the pilot results, we calculate that completion of 120 matrices requires approximately one hour of sustained effort by students in this age range. We also measure the students’ ability at solving the matrix task by incentivising them to solve as many matrices as they can within 5 minutes at our initial school visit. This ensures that the students get to know the matrix task and gives us a rough idea of their relative ability in solving the matrices. Each correctly solved matrix from this practice round adds AU$0.25 (US$0.17) to the student’s gift voucher.

In Part 2 of the study, we build upon Augenblick et al. (2015) to measure impatience and present bias. The time preference elicitation requires each student to make two sets of decisions over the allocation of work effort between two work dates (call them “Week 1” and “Week 2”), with one decision randomly selected to be implemented for real. To identify the discount rate (impatience), the rate at which work on one date may be substituted for work on the other is varied from one decision to the next. To identify present bias, the same choices are elicited at two points in time: once in Week 0 when both work dates are in the future, and again in Week 1 when sooner work must be performed immediately. To facilitate the allocation of work over time, the effort task for this stage of the project must be divisible in nature. Following Augenblick et al.’s procedures, each task consists of transcribing one line of Greek text. On average, this corresponds to one minute of work effort, as trialled in our laboratory pilot with students in the relevant age range. Depending on the selected allocation, students will be required to complete 15 to 60 such tasks in total, distributed over the work dates in Weeks 1 and 2. Successful task completion on both work dates qualifies for a AU$20 (US$13.20) incentive in the form of a (second) gift voucher at a store of the student’s choice.
Randomization Method
Randomization is done by a computer prior to visiting the first school. We use the Research Randomizer (Version 4.0)*, a software provided by , which allows within-school random assignment of classes to one of the four treatment conditions (random assignment with blocked design). This ensures a higher balance in sample size between the treatment conditions and aligns with our empirical strategy that includes school fixed-effects.

*Urbaniak, G. C., & Plous, S. (2013). Research Randomizer (Version 4.0) [Computer software]. Retrieved on April 23, 2018, from
Randomization Unit
We randomise all treatments at the class level, within school.
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
Initial target: 60 classes in 30 schools

Due to unanticipated difficulty in data collection on account of COVID-19 restrictions, we revise our target down to 40 classes in 15 schools.
Sample size: planned number of observations
Initial target: 900 students Due to unanticipated difficulty in data collection on account of COVID-19 restrictions, we revise our target down to 600 students.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
Initial target: 15 classes Baseline, 15 classes Short Deadline treatment, 15 classes Anticipated Reminder treatment, 15 classes Unanticipated Reminder treatment

Due to unanticipated difficulty in data collection on account of COVID-19 restrictions, we revise our target down to 10 classes per treatment arm.
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)
We base our power calculations on List et al. (2008)* and abstract from higher efficiency through control variables, multiple hypothesis testing, and optimal allocation between treatment arms in this initial calculation. We focus on the dichotomous outcome measure of task completion as this is the only measure for which were able to find guiding estimates in the literature. With 900 students in 60 classes, the size of a cluster is 15. We assume an intra-cluster correlation coefficient of 0.1, a level of significance of 0.05 and power of 0.8 in two-sided statistical tests. With approximately With 225 students per treatment arm, the minimum detectable effect size of our dichotomous main outcome is approximately 0.2. This is a plausible expected difference between Baseline and Short Deadline treatments and Baseline and Anticipated Reminder treatments based on the estimates reported in Taubinsky (2014)**. With our revised targets for sample size and number of clusters, the minimum detectable effect size is 0.25, keeping all other parameter values constant. *List, J.A., Sadoff, S. and Wagner, M. (2008). So you want to run an experiment, now what? Some simple rules of thumb for optimal experimental design, Experimental Economics, DOI 10.1007/s10683-011-9275-7. **Taubinsky, D. (2014). From Intentions to Actions: A Model and Experimental Evidence of Inattentive Choice, mimeo

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

IRB Name
QUT University Human Research Ethics Committee (UHREC)
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number
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