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Trial End Date January 01, 2020 March 31, 2020
Last Published September 30, 2019 01:33 PM October 27, 2019 11:34 PM
Intervention (Public) There are 3 main treatments and one control group: T1: Control group: No interventions T2: Standard PES: Farmers will be offered a PES contract that pays them a cash transfer conditional on not burning their fields. This treatment is further divided into two sub-treatments: T2a pays the full amount, equal to the sum of payments in T4; T2b pays only the conditional amount in T4 or 75% of the value in T2a. T3: Unconditional upfront cash transfer: Farmers will receive an unconditional cash transfer (same value as the unconditional cash transfer in T4). T4: PES with part of payment upfront: Farmers will be offered a PES contract, and if they accept the contract, they will receive 25% of the PES payment as an unconditional cash transfer, and the remainder as a conditional payment, i.e. the conditional PES payment once it has been confirmed that their fields have not been burned. There are 2 main treatments and one control group: T1: Control group: No interventions T2: Standard PES: Farmers will be offered a PES contract that pays them a cash transfer conditional on not burning their fields. This treatment is further divided into two sub-treatments: T2a pays 800 Rs/acre; T2b pays 1600 Rs/acre. T3: PES with part of payment upfront: Farmers will be offered a PES contract, and if they accept the contract, they will receive either 25% (T3a) or 50% (T3b) of the PES payment from T2a (800 Rs/acre) as an unconditional cash transfer, and the remainder as a conditional payment, i.e. the conditional PES payment once it has been confirmed that their fields have not been burned.
Planned Number of Clusters 200 villages 171 villages
Planned Number of Observations ~2500 farmers ~1700 farmers
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms T1: 38 villages T2: 72 villages (half each in T2a and T2b) T3: 30 villages T4: 60 villages T1: 51 villages T2: 58 villages T3: 62 villages
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