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Field Before After
Trial End Date February 01, 2021 February 01, 2023
Last Published September 02, 2020 01:41 PM May 12, 2022 08:56 AM
Intervention (Public) We will contact previously-convicted people prior to fall municipal elections, offering them information about eligibility to vote and a registration form and stamped envelope to return that form to the board of elections. We will scale up the previous pilot study for a larger trial prior to the 2020 general election. We use a between-subjects design with five groups: 1) control (uncontacted); 2) contacted with a letter from our partner organization with felony-targeted introductory language, information about eligibility, a registration form and stamped envelope; 3) treatment 2 minus the felony-targeted introductory language; 4) treatment 2 minus the registration form and envelope; 5) treatment 2 plus a stronger encouragement to register that informs recipients of the importance of voting to elect representatives who will shape civil rights and criminal justice policies. We are also conducting a second trial focusing on individuals who live in the same zip codes as those in our main study, but who administrative records do not indicate have previous felony convictions. We can use the results of this study to compare responses in our population of interest (those with previous convictions) to those in the broader population. This trial will have two arms: 1) control (uncontacted); 2) a letter from a partner or us with information about eligibility, plus a form + stamped envelope. (treatment arm 3 from the main study). We will contact previously-convicted people prior to fall municipal elections, offering them information about eligibility to vote and a registration form and stamped envelope to return that form to the board of elections. We will scale up the previous pilot study for a larger trial prior to the 2020 general election. We use a between-subjects design with five groups: 1) control (uncontacted); 2) contacted with a letter from our partner organization with felony-targeted introductory language, information about eligibility, a registration form and stamped envelope; 3) treatment 2 minus the felony-targeted introductory language; 4) treatment 2 minus the registration form and envelope; 5) treatment 2 plus a stronger encouragement to register that informs recipients of the importance of voting to elect representatives who will shape civil rights and criminal justice policies. We are also conducting a second trial focusing on individuals who live in the same zip codes as those in our main study, but who administrative records do not indicate have previous felony convictions. We can use the results of this study to compare responses in our population of interest (those with previous convictions) to those in the broader population. This trial will have two arms: 1) control (uncontacted); 2) a letter from a partner or us with information about eligibility, plus a form + stamped envelope. (treatment arm 3 from the main study). We are also conducting a third trial focusing on individuals in the networks of formerly incarcerated people. This trial will have four arms: 1) a control, 2) individuals in one's network will receive a letter with eligibility information, a form and stamped envelop that encourages them to reach out and register their loved one with a felony conviction, 3) the individual themselves will receive a letter encouraging them to register, and 4) both the individual and the loved will receive a letter encouraging them to register.
Intervention End Date November 03, 2020 November 03, 2022
Experimental Design (Public) We will randomly divide people in a sample of previously-convicted residents of North Carolina into two groups; the "control" group will not be contacted, while the "treatment" group will be sent a letter telling them about the voter registration process and encouraging them to register if eligible. For the scaled-up study we will use a between-subjects design with five arms, one of which will be an (uncontacted) control group. The study will be fielded in North Carolina and Texas. We will randomize at the individual level with equal probability across the five treatment groups, blocking on state, using the "randomize" function from the "experiment" library in R. The comparison (no-record) group is randomized (individually) with equal probability into treatment and control. We will randomly divide people in a sample of previously-convicted residents of North Carolina into two groups; the "control" group will not be contacted, while the "treatment" group will be sent a letter telling them about the voter registration process and encouraging them to register if eligible. For the scaled-up study we will use a between-subjects design with five arms, one of which will be an (uncontacted) control group. The study will be fielded in North Carolina and Texas. We will randomize at the individual level with equal probability across the five treatment groups, blocking on state, using the "randomize" function from the "experiment" library in R. The comparison (no-record) group is randomized (individually) with equal probability into treatment and control. For the network study we will use a between-subjects design with four arms, including a control. The study will be fielded in Texas and North Carolina. We will randomize at the individual level with equal probability across the four treatment groups, blocking on state, using the "randomize" function from the "experiment" library in R. The comparison (no-record) group is randomized (individually) with equal probability into treatment and control.
Keyword(s) Electoral Electoral
Building on Existing Work No
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Field Before After
Affiliation Rutgers University of Texas
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