Experimental Design
Subjects must complete an intake questionnaire that tests comprehension of the experimental instructions; subjects must answer all questions correctly to be enrolled in the trial.
On day 0 (e.g., Monday of week 1), subjects are asked to allocate approximately 30 minutes of work between day 2 (e.g., Wednesday of week 1) and Day 9 (e.g., Wednesday of week 2). On Day 2, subjects are again asked to allocate work between day 2 and day 9. For each subject, an independent fair coin toss determines whether decisions from day 0 or day 2 are implemented.
If a subject is assigned to the Risky Day treatment, she learns the result of this coin toss after her decisions on day 2. If a subject is assigned to the Certain Day treatment, she learns the result of this coin toss before her decisions on day 2.
On each day that decisions are made, subjects are asked to allocate a fixed present value budget of real-effort tasks between days 2 and 9.
Subjects make allocation decisions for each of five gross interest rates R ∈ {0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5}.
If a subject is assigned to the Risky Rate treatment, after she makes all of her decisions, one of her decisions from the selected day is chosen at random with uniform probability to be implemented. If a subject is assigned to the Certain Rate treatment, her decision from the selected day for the gross interest rate R = 1.25 is chosen with certainty to be implemented.
Each subject is assigned to a Day treatment and a Rate treatment, resulting in a two-by-two factorial design. Each subject is fully informed of the procedures and mechanisms used in her assigned treatment.