Secondary Outcomes (end points)
1) Employment and earnings of main respondent:
- Has a job/type of job (e.g., waged/self/casual; fulltime/part-time, etc.)
- Total monthly earnings (aggregated over parallel activities and types of employment)
2) Economic activity and earnings at the Household (HH) level:
- Number of jobs or IGA of other HH members
- Total earnings from other members jobs / IGA
3) Farm employment, productivity and earnings at the HH level:
- Took loans to buy equipment, fertilizers, insecticides, etc. to improve productivity of the field
4) Total Consumption expenditure (household level)
5) Savings, debt, and remittances:
- Has saved money over past 3 months (0/1)
- Total money saved (post-treatment)
6) Coping strategies:
- Received money, food or other assistance from the family or social network in the last 12 months (0/1)
- Net amount of money received from friends or family in last 12 month
7) Children welfare and schooling
- Number of school-age children (5-14 years) in this household have interrupted their schooling
- Number of school-age children (5-14 years) in this household who have engaged in any type of work in the last month
Primary Outcomes (explanation)
outcomes (1) is designed to detect whether or not participation in the PWP had a net impact, at the individual level, on labor force participation (intensive and extensive margin). Outcome (2) will ascertain whether participation in the PWP is followed by a reallocation of labor supply within the household; so is outcome (7), which focuses on school-age children. Outcomes (4) and (5) distinguished between two repercussions on added resources at the household level: increased consumption versus increased savings. Outcome (6) will show whether the increased resources received by the household are followed by a reduction of informal family transfers. Finally, outcome (3) will detect if PWP allows households to increase investments in agricultural activity.
Secondary Outcomes
Secondary Outcomes (end points)
1) Employment and earnings of main respondent:
- Has primary wage employment or income generating activity (IGA)
- Has primary self-employment or IGA
- How long (in months) have you been in this job
- Total days you spend in wage-employment in a typical month
- Total days you spend in self-employment in a typical month
- Total earnings from wage employment in the last 30 days
- Total earnings from self-employment in last 30 days
- Having a secondary job (e.g., waged/self/casual; fulltime/part-time, etc.)
2) Economic activity and earnings at the Household (HH) level:
- Head of the HH has a job or IGA
- Type of job or IGA of the head of HH
- Number of other HH members of have a job or IGA
- Other HH members have additional IGAs
- How much money/earnings did the HH head bring in with this job or IGA?
- How much money/earning did the other HH members bring in with this job or IGA?
- How much money/earning did the other HH members bring in with any such additional IGAs
3) Farm employment, productivity and earnings at the HH level:
- % of land owned by the HH cultivated during the last two seasons
- Hired labor to work in the farms
- Took loans to buy equipment, fertilizers, insecticides, etc. to improve productivity of the field
- Used chemicals fertilizers
- Received advice from an agricultural monitor
4) Migration:
- How many members are no longer living in this household (post-treatment) for work
- How many members are now living in this household (post-treatment) for work
- Have you travelled or move to another city/province or country for work (for some period) of time in the last 24 months
- Number of days in total did you or other HH members spent outside of the city for work
- How much money did you earn while working outside of your home town
5) Consumption expenditure:
- Total value of food own consumption (note: see quantity of farm products produced in the farm employment section)
- Types and source of food consumed by the HH
- Food/drinks at home expenditures
- Transportation-related expenditures
- Electricity, gas, water expenditures in the last month
- Landline, mobile calls and internet expenditures in the last month
- Soap, detergent, cosmetics
- Rent expenditures in the last month
- Other services (hairdresser, veterinarian, repairman) in the last month
- Medical expenditures in the last 6 months (and amount)
- School/education expenditures in the last 6 months (and amount)
-House renovations/repairs
6) Assets accumulation and investments (purchased post-treatment)
- Dwelling type (roof)
- Dwelling type (walls)
- Land purchased
-Real estate purchased
7) Savings, debts and re remittances
- Total money borrowed (post treatment)
- Having a bank account (0/1)
- How long able to cover current expenses through savings
8) Coping strategies
- Household suffer an event that led to a loss of income / cash in the last 12 months (and number)
- Coping strategies (dummies)
- Received money, food or other social assistance THAT IS NOT CASH FOR WORK from the government or NGOs in the last 12 months
9) Children welfare and schooling
- Number school-age children (5-14 years) of this household have never been to school.