TPROG is the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) platform of a multinational company with longstanding operations in Venezuela and every other country in Latin America. With a focus on adult education, the program has five thematic areas: hospitality, retail, enterprise, bartending and teaching. The program's goal is to train (in a period of 2 months) unemployed or informal workers in skills that enable them to expand their employment opportunities, increase their income and strengthen their civic values. This program is replicated throughout Latin America and the Caribbean, as it is TFIRM’s most prominent CSR initiative in the region.
The program’s 2010 edition in Venezuela consisted of two courses: Retailing and Bartender. Both courses were completely free and were aimed at people living in Caracas, over 18 years-old, unemployed or in the informal sector, and who at the time of the invitation had completed at least the 3rd year of high school (9th grade of basic education).
Eligible individuals could choose between the two types of training, each offered in different locations: Retailing, offered in “Sabana Grande” a very accessible commercial area in the center of Caracas, and Bartender, located on the southern outskirts of the city on the campus of Simón Bolívar University in the “Sartenejas Valley”. The retailing course includes marketing topics, product display in shelves and aisles, customer service and stock administration, and the Bartender course trains participants in the preparation of drinks and spirits, customer service, hospitality, English and Flair practices. Both courses were certified by the Simon Bolivar University (one of the most prestigious universities in the country), for a period of two months, 3 days a week, part time. Both courses included personal growth modules, responsible drinking and job readiness training. Only participants with less than 3 absences could get the course’s final certification.
Additionally, program attendees enjoyed free transportation to the farther location, refreshments on site and awards for perfect attendance.