Experimental Design Details
Treatment 1 (T1) called “Emergency Saving Plan” offers an automatic savings plan of 2% of a driver’s weekly earnings to cover emergencies. The savings plan is labeled because literature has shown that it helps individuals to not withdraw savings when they have a committed purpose. T1 might help individuals to smooth consumption in case of an emergency, solves behavioral biases such as procrastination and introduce a psychological cost of not saving by using the emergency tag.
As mentioned before, the drivers assigned to this treatment will received in-app and pop-up messages inviting them to visit the page. After signing the online consent, the driver will receive a detailed email and WhatsApp message bringing him or her the number of the new bank account and when they can collect their debit card. Every week, between Wednesday and Friday, the driver will receive an email and WhatsApp message with the detail of his or her weekly savings.
Additionally, with the opening of the new account, the driver will receive a bonus of 30 soles (about $10) to encourage them to save more and to pay attention to their new savings account.
Treatment 2 (T2), called “Smart and Flexible Saving Plan”, consists of offering to the drivers the option to save 3% of their weekly earnings every time their earnings surpass a specific threshold chosen by each driver. This intervention is an adaptation of the SMarT plan introduced by Thaler and & Benartzi (2004) and its applied to a digitalize workforce from the gig-economy. Drivers have incomes that fluctuate from day to day, so they cannot commit to save a fixed percentage of their earnings, especially in low income periods. However, in high income periods, they might want to commit and even save a larger amount. In this case, for example, a driver will not necessarily save every week if he or she does not manage to generate enough income. If the driver has a good week though, he or she will start saving automatically. T2 is expected to cover also emergencies, reduce income variability and thus smooth consumption. T2 will also solve the problems of self-control, procrastination, and loss aversion.
Like T1, each enrolled driver will receive a detail email and message bringing him or her the number of the new bank account and where they can collect their debit card. The new bank account will be open in the next 48 hours. Additionally, every week, between Wednesday and Friday, the driver will receive an email and WhatsApp message with the detail of his or her weekly savings.
Additionally, with the opening of the new account, the driver will receive a bonus of 30 soles (about $10) to encourage them to save more and to pay attention to their new savings account.
Control Group (C) This group will not receive any type of treatment.