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Last Published November 12, 2019 11:46 AM December 07, 2019 08:21 AM
Secondary Outcomes (End Points) • self-efficacy (primarily measured as “Self_efficacy_general”) • math confidence (oc-Mathe) • STEM confidence (jobability) • Competitiveness (2 if comp_math + comp_german==1, 1 if only one of the variable ==1, 0 if both 0) • stereotypical beliefs (1st measure explicit stereotypes (BELIEFS) – primary measure; 2nd measure less explicit: RANKING, secondary measure; 3rd measure explicit stereotypes (IAT) – least likely to be affected, but still observed) • self-efficacy (primarily measured as “Self_efficacy_general”) • math confidence (oc-Mathe) • STEM confidence (jobability) • Competitiveness (2 if comp_math==1, 0 otherwise) • stereotypical beliefs (1st measure explicit stereotypes (BELIEFS) – primary measure; 2nd measure less explicit: RANKING, secondary measure; 3rd measure explicit stereotypes (IAT) – least likely to be affected, but still observed)
Secondary Outcomes (Explanation) • Self_efficacy_general= mean(self-efficacy5-7): Index based on 3 questions from Bettinger et al. (2018). Self_efficacy 5&6: -2= “nein stimmt nicht”- 2 = “ja, stimmt“ Self-efficacy 7: -2= “ja,stimmt”- 2 = “nein, stimmt nicht“ Likert scales are aggregated across questions and divided by the number of questions. • Math confidence: guess_math-performance (split in two variables): Overest_math=guess_math-math_performance if guess_math>=math_performance underest_math=-(guess_math-math_performance) if guess_math<=math_performance • Stem confidence: measured using variable job ability: -2 = nein gar nicht / 2 =ja sehr Generate aggregated measure of relative belief in ability in MINT Jobs: sum job_ ability(ing+comp+math)/sum job_ability* • stereotypical beliefs: Beliefs: 3 questions on stereotypical beliefs who is more skilled in math and 3 questions on who is more skilled in German Q1,Q3,Q5: “Burschen mehr” -2 –“Mädchen mehr” 2 Q2, Q4, Q6: “Mädchen mehr” -2 –“Burschen mehr” 2 Likert scales are aggregated across questions and divided by the number of questions. Ranking: : (number of boys chosen for math ranking – number of boys in top 3) + (number of girls chosen in German ranking- number of girls in top 3) IAT: : (number of boys chosen for math ranking – number of boys in top 3) + (number of girls chosen in German ranking- number of girls in top 3) • Self_efficacy_general= mean(self-efficacy5-7): Index based on 3 questions from Bettinger et al. (2018). Self_efficacy 5&6: -2= “nein stimmt nicht”- 2 = “ja, stimmt“ Self-efficacy 7: -2= “ja,stimmt”- 2 = “nein, stimmt nicht“ Likert scales are aggregated across questions and divided by the number of questions. • Math confidence: guess_math-performance (split in two variables): Overest_math=guess_math-math_performance if guess_math>=math_performance underest_math=-(guess_math-math_performance) if guess_math<=math_performance • Stem confidence: measured using variable job ability: -2 = nein gar nicht / 2 =ja sehr Generate aggregated measure of relative belief in ability in MINT Jobs: sum job_ ability(ing+comp+math)/sum job_ability* • stereotypical beliefs: Beliefs: 3 questions on stereotypical beliefs who is more skilled in math and 3 questions on who is more skilled in German Q1,Q3,Q5: “Burschen mehr” -2 –“Mädchen mehr” 2 Q2, Q4, Q6: “Mädchen mehr” -2 –“Burschen mehr” 2 Likert scales are aggregated across questions and divided by the number of questions. Ranking: : (number of boys chosen for math ranking – number of boys in top 3) IAT: Implicit association test, differences in decision time between congruent an incongruent word pairs
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