The American Economic Association's registry for randomized controlled trials
Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.
It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.
First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.
Last updated is the most recent time when changes to the trial's registration were published.
There is information in this trial unavailable to the public. Use the button below to request access.
MD5: da5c76ef50c1b7002a055adc265cab29
SHA1: bd30879cbfb0e0da8b00089c52c05ffd32ac472d
Uploaded At: March 20, 2020
MD5: 1203f84ce5f10eb36c3968d77760c530
SHA1: 9e704a18a2d2eb854ab93d25a57d5f60958fdfb0
Uploaded At: December 23, 2019