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Field Before After
Trial Status in_development completed
Last Published January 29, 2020 01:48 PM April 03, 2024 08:41 AM
Primary Outcomes (End Points) Take up and usage of Islamic savings account Take up and usage of Islamic savings account. In the follow up study also impacts of savings accounts (see for variable definitions, the follow-up pre-analysis plan)
Primary Outcomes (Explanation) Take-up is simply the opening of the the Islamic savings account. However, usage is measured by using total and average number of deposits/withdrawals, and the total and average amount of deposits/withdrawals/savings (in relevant currency). For the amounts, we may take the logarithmic value of 1+amount (in relevant currency) or use the inverse hyperbolic distribution. Take-up is simply the opening of the the Islamic savings account. However, usage is measured by using total and average number of deposits/withdrawals, and the total and average amount of deposits/withdrawals/savings (in relevant currency). For the amounts, we may take the logarithmic value of 1+amount (in relevant currency) or use the inverse hyperbolic distribution. See also the follow-up pre-analysis plan
Experimental Design (Public) Based on an encouragement design, participants receive (or do not receive) an encouragement talk on savings benefits. Furthermore, they are either/or not placed in subsidy and assistance provision group. In total we have 8 treatment arms. Details of the experimental design are provided in pre-analysis plan Based on an encouragement design, participants receive (or do not receive) an encouragement talk on savings benefits. Furthermore, they are either/or not placed in subsidy and assistance provision group. In total we have 8 treatment arms. Details of the experimental design are provided in pre-analysis plan. We are now conducting a follow up survey, taking into account only 2 treatment arms: details are given in the follow-up pre-analysis plan
Planned Number of Observations Approximately 2,000 participants Approximately 2,000 participants (in standard study); In follow-up much smaller as we only consider 2 treatment arms (for budgetary reasons)
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 12 branches (having 1,094 participants) receive general encouragement speech 12 branches (having 1,126 participants) receive religious motivational speech 12 branches (having 1,094 participants) receive general encouragement speech 12 branches (having 1,126 participants) receive religious motivational speech For follow up-see pre-analysis plan.
Keyword(s) Finance, Other, Welfare Finance, Other, Welfare
Intervention (Hidden) Details are provided in the pre-analysis plan Details are provided in the pre-analysis plan, and in the follow-up pre-analysis plan.
Secondary Outcomes (End Points) As secondary outcomes, we will examine the impact of our intervention(s) on welfare and business activities among poor Muslim borrowers.
Building on Existing Work No
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Field Before After
Affiliation University of Groningen
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