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Trial Status in_development on_going
Trial End Date April 30, 2021 May 31, 2021
Last Published November 20, 2020 06:21 AM April 27, 2021 10:53 AM
Intervention (Public) We provide a correspondence study in Russia to investigate treatment of various groups on the labour market (the detailed description is reported in hidden section). We provide a correspondence study in Russia to investigate treatment of various groups on the labor market (the detailed description is reported in hidden section).
Intervention Start Date February 15, 2020 March 16, 2020
Intervention End Date April 08, 2021 April 30, 2021
Experimental Design (Public) To access the attitude towards certain groups on the labor market, we send fictitious resumes in respond to real job openings, varying the characteristics of CVs. To access the attitude towards certain groups in the labor market, we send fictitious resumes in respond to real job openings, varying the characteristics of CVs.
Planned Number of Clusters 3.000 vacancies (12 000 resumes) 3.100 vacancies (12 400 resumes)
Planned Number of Observations 12.000 resumes About 12.200 resumes 1.450 vacancies (5 800 resumes) in the Self-employment Status Part of Experiment 1.600 vacancies (6.400 resumes) in Ethnic Minority Status Part of Experiment
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms We employ two by two design with two treatment variables. Thus, we send 3.000 application per sub-treatment (750 vacancies in each sub-treatment). We send 1.450 resumes per sub-treatment in the Self-employment Status Part of Experiment We send 1.600 resumes per sub-treatment in the Ethnic Minority Status Part of the Experiment
Intervention (Hidden) Large proportion of self-employed have migrant or ethnic minority background. The high rate of entrepreneurs with immigration background can be explained by different reasons. The opportunity driven immigrants enter entrepreneurship because of some advantage reasons such as the pronounced entrepreneurial culture in the country of origin or social capital in the host country (Brixy et al., IAB Kurzbericht 8/2011). Another type is necessity driven ethnic entrepreneurs. These are the representatives of ethnic minorities groups whose degrees may not be recognized in the host country or they face difficulties finding a job on the wage market because of ethnic discrimination (Sternberg et al., GEM, Unternehmensgründungen in weltweiten Vergleich, 2019). We try to understand if high rate of self-employed among migrants is driven by the adverse treatment on the labour market. A.. Self-employment Status Part of Experiment Large proportion of self-employed have migrant or ethnic minority background. The high rate of entrepreneurs with immigration background can be explained by different reasons. The opportunity driven immigrants enter entrepreneurship because of some advantage reasons such as the pronounced entrepreneurial culture in the country of origin or social capital in the host country (Brixy et al., IAB Kurzbericht 8/2011). Another type is necessity driven ethnic entrepreneurs. These are the representatives of ethnic minorities groups whose degrees may not be recognized in the host country or they face difficulties finding a job on the wage market because of ethnic discrimination (Sternberg et al., GEM, Unternehmensgründungen in weltweiten Vergleich, 2019). We try to understand if high rate of self-employed among migrants is driven by the adverse treatment on the labour market. B. Ethnic Minority Status Part of Experiment (INTRODUCED DUE TO THE COVID-19 OUTBREAK) In rapid response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we introduced a sub-part of an experiment that focuses explicitly on the ethnic-minority discrimination replicating the design of our previous study( We aim to assess the level of ethnic-minority discrimination during the pandemic by sending fictitious resumes where we randomly vary the Slavic and ethnic minorities sounding names for the resumes with equal quality e.g. Alexey Lebedev vs. Ansar Juraev. This part of the study is also registered in EEA COVID-registry, migrated later to Economics of COVID-19 Observatory (ECO) (
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