Experimental Design Details
The school sample consists of 49 pre-selected schools that are cooperating with Child’s Dream, one of our partner NGOs. These schools are distributed across four provinces: Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Oddar Meanchey, and Siem Reap, provinces that experience particularly high drop-out rates. We exclude schools with less than 30 students in grade 9 (which drops 10 schools). To increase power, we additionally sample 23 lower secondary schools from other districts in the same provinces that are similar in characteristics to the partner schools of Child’s Dream. Of these schools, we randomly select 2 schools to serve as back-up, the remaining 21 schools are included in the main sample. We stratify schools by size (more or less than 100 students in grade 9), by Child’s Dream partnership, and by district, and randomly select half of the schools to participate in our intervention.
There are three treatment arms within treatment schools, and a pure control group in control schools. In addition to the main intervention (treatment group), we designed a placebo intervention for the placebo-treatment group that is similar in structure and design to the IET, but asks students about gender attitudes and about climate change awareness. We also hold the level of job-related information that students receive constant by providing the job details also to the placebo group, the only difference being that the job-related information is not personalized but generic. In addition to the treatment and placebo arms, we also have an information-only arm. This arm is included to assess the possibility that the entire effect might be driven by giving students access to (new) job-related information. Students in the information-only group complete the survey on the tablets, but otherwise only participate in the information session. While the students from the treatment and placebo arms work through the app, students in the control group play a game outside.