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Trial End Date December 31, 2021 July 31, 2022
Last Published September 17, 2021 04:46 AM November 24, 2021 07:38 AM
Intervention End Date December 31, 2021 July 31, 2022
Experimental Design (Public) Laboratory experiment: 2X2 design - 2 and 3 period finite alternating bargaining games; With shrinking pie methodology and real time delay methodology. Observational unit: average behavior in blocks of 10 human subjects. Subjects are kept within blocks and unique subjects are used in all treatments. Random matching of subjects within a block in each new game. Laboratory experiment: 2X2 design - 2 and 3 period finite alternating bargaining games; With shrinking pie methodology and real time delay methodology. Observational unit: average behavior in blocks of 10 human subjects. Subjects are kept within blocks and unique subjects are used in all treatments. Random matching of subjectsFollow up treatments: We have added an additional 5 treatments: -2 period alternating bargaining game with .6 discount factors for both players -2 period alternating bargaining game with .9 discount factors for both players -2 period alternating bargaining game with 1 week delay discount factors for both players. Following two treatments are implemented in real time, meaning that disagreement causes the bargaining to be delayed by one week before resuming. Implemented on Mturk. -2 period alternating bargaining game with 1 week delay discount factors for both players. -3 period alternating bargaining game with 1 week delay discount factors for both players. within a block in each new game.
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