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Trial Status in_development on_going
Trial End Date October 26, 2020 November 27, 2020
Last Published July 16, 2020 10:25 PM August 19, 2020 10:56 AM
Intervention End Date August 24, 2020 September 25, 2020
Experimental Design (Public) I will recruit adults living in the United States from mental-wellness-related communities to participate in a survey-type economic experiment. Participants will be randomly assigned to an experimental condition. All participants in all conditions will be asked to rank their interest in four categories of mental wellness apps. They will then be asked to choose between pairs of apps from their preferred categories. Participants in the treatment conditions will receive access to my privacy-policy ratings in addition to the information provided to the control conditions. One of the app choices will be selected for reimbursement of a one-month subscription. I will follow up over the next few weeks about the use of that app, and I will pay participants for their time. Data analysis will be based on the experimental condition, the app information visible to participants, and controls for the demographic characteristics participants provide. I will recruit adults living in the United States to participate in a survey-type economic experiment. Participants will be randomly assigned to an experimental condition. All participants in all conditions will be asked to rank their interest in four categories of mental wellness apps. They will then be asked to choose between pairs of apps from their preferred categories. Participants in the treatment conditions will receive access to my privacy-policy ratings in addition to the information provided to the control conditions. One of the app choices will be selected for reimbursement of a one-month subscription. I will follow up over the next few weeks about the use of that app, and I will pay participants for their time. Data analysis will be based on the experimental condition, the app information visible to participants, and controls for the demographic characteristics participants provide.
Planned Number of Clusters 400 adults 100 adults initial sample (out of 400 targeted) and 250 adults supplemental sample
Planned Number of Observations 400 adults 100 adults initial sample (out of 400 targeted) and 250 adults supplemental sample
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 100 adults control, 100 adults treatment, 200 adults willingness-to-pay 125 adults control, 125 adults treatment in the supplemental sample
Power calculation: Minimum Detectable Effect Size for Main Outcomes 0.2 standard deviations for one-mean tests, 15 to 20 percentage points for two-proportions tests (depending on attrition) 15 percentage points for paired-proportions test, 20 percentage points for two-proportions tests
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