Impediments to yardstick competition in federal systems: Experimental survey evidence from German citizens

Last registered on May 29, 2020


Trial Information

General Information

Impediments to yardstick competition in federal systems: Experimental survey evidence from German citizens
Initial registration date
May 29, 2020

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
May 29, 2020, 3:35 PM EDT

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.



Primary Investigator

Technical University of Munich

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
ZEW Mannheim
PI Affiliation
ifo Institute
PI Affiliation
ZEW Mannheim

Additional Trial Information

In development
Start date
End date
Secondary IDs
A key argument for policy competition between sub-national entities is that direct comparison of policy outcomes yields efficient public service provision. However, the necessary condition to reap these efficiency gains – that voters can observe policy outcomes – is often not fulfilled. A case in point is the education system of Germany, where the legislative and executive power over public education is vested in the federal states, but regular cross-state comparative student assessment data is largely lacking. To study the underlying political-economy reasons for lacking comparability across states, we conduct parallel surveys among German state parliamentarians and German citizens.
We elicit citizens’ preferences for comparability in a representative online survey with 10,000 respondents who are randomly assigned to one of five experimental groups. Respondents in group 1 state their (i) satisfaction with their state’s education policy, and (ii) support for comparability-enhancing policies without receiving any information. Respondents in groups 2 and 3 answer the same questions after being informed about their state’s educational performance relative to the other German states. Respondents in groups 4 and 5 have the option to retrieve educational performance information through clicking on a link before answering the outcome questions. The experimental results will shed light on the determinants of public support for enhanced comparative testing of education outcomes, which is a necessary condition to foster education-policy competition.
External Link(s)

Registration Citation

Blesse, Sebastian et al. 2020. "Impediments to yardstick competition in federal systems: Experimental survey evidence from German citizens." AEA RCT Registry. May 29.
Experimental Details


We investigate whether providing citizens with information about their state’s relative educational performance affects satisfaction with education policy, and policy support for increased comparative educational testing. Survey respondents are randomized into five experimental groups, and complete five consecutive stages. In stage 1, they state the importance of cross-state comparability of educational performance. In stage 2, they estimate the rank of their state in the latest comparative math-achievement test. In stage 3 and 4, respondents state their satisfaction with their state’s education policy, and support for the policy proposal to enhance comparative educational testing. In group 1, respondents answer these two questions without any further information. In groups 2 and 3, they receive information about their state’s relative educational performance. In groups 4 and 5, respondents have the option to retrieve this educational-performance information through clicking on a link. In stage 5, all respondents estimate the share of state parliamentarians who support the policy proposal to enhance comparative educational testing.
We implemented a second, independently randomized, experiment when eliciting policy support in stage 4. Before answering this question, half of respondents are informed that the average answer will be forwarded to their state politicians. This allows us to assess whether highlighting the consequentiality of the survey answers affects answering behaviour.
Intervention (Hidden)
Subjects will conduct the experiment via an online platform.
Subjects will be randomly assigned to one of five experimental groups, and each subject takes decisions in five consecutive stages.


Stage 1: Perceived importance of cross-state comparability.

[Question wording:]
“How important do you think it is that student performance is comparable between the federal states?”

[Answer categories:]
5-point scale: 1=”very important”, 2=” rather important”, 3=”neither important nor unimportant”, 4=”rather unimportant”, 5=”very unimportant”

Stage 2: Beliefs about state performance.

[Question wording:]
“A recent educational study has compared the mathematics performance of 9th grade students in the 16 German states. What do you estimate, which place did the pupils in your federal state occupy? (1 is the best place, 16 the worst place)”

[Answer categories:]
Open field + “place”

Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy.

[Question wording:]
“How satisfied are you with education policy in your federal state?”

[Answer categories:]
5-point scale: 1=”very satisfied”, 2=” rather satisfied”, 3=”neither satisfied nor unsatisfied”, 4=”rather unsatisfied”, 5=”very unsatisfied”

Stage 4: Policy support for increased comparative educational testing.

[Question wording:]
“Do you favor or oppose the following reform proposal: Nationwide comparative tests of mathematics achievement will be introduced in all school types. The tests will take place regularly every two years starting in the 5th grade. The average results by federal state will be published to compare student performance across federal states.”

[Answer categories:]
5-point scale: 1=”strongly favor”, 2=”somewhat favor”, 3=”neither favor nor oppose”, 4=”somewhat oppose”, 5=”strongly oppose”

Stage 5: Beliefs about parliamentarian support for enhanced-comparability policy.

[Question wording:]
“What do you estimate, what percentage of the politicians in the state parliament of your federal state is "strongly" or "somewhat" in favor of the reform proposal mentioned in the previous question to introduce nationwide standardized comparative tests for pupils?”

[Answer categories:]
Open field + “percent”


Stage 1: See TREATMENT 1

Stage 2: See TREATMENT 1.

Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy + information about own performance.

[Question wording:]
“The students in your federal state ranked [show rank] out of 16 in the educational study mentioned in the previous question.
How satisfied are you with education policy in your federal state?”

[Answer categories:]
5-point scale: 1=”very satisfied”, 2=” rather satisfied”, 3=”neither satisfied nor unsatisfied”, 4=”rather unsatisfied”, 5=”very unsatisfied”

Stage 4: See TREATMENT 1.

Stage 5: See TREATMENT 1.


Stage 1: See TREATMENT 1

Stage 2: See TREATMENT 1.

Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy + information about performance rank.

[Question wording:]
“In the educational study mentioned in the previous question, students in the different federal states took the following places: [Show ranking]
How satisfied are you with education policy in your federal state?”

[Answer categories:]
5-point scale: 1=”very satisfied”, 2=” rather satisfied”, 3=”neither satisfied nor unsatisfied”, 4=”rather unsatisfied”, 5=”very unsatisfied”

Stage 4: See TREATMENT 1.

Stage 5: See TREATMENT 1.


Stage 1: See TREATMENT 1

Stage 2: See TREATMENT 1.

Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy + information acquisition about own performance.

[Question wording:]
“Click here if you want to find out what place the students in your federal state occupied in the educational study mentioned in the previous question.
[Click: show information from TREATMENT 2]
How satisfied are you with education policy in your federal state?”

[Answer categories:]
5-point scale: 1=”very satisfied”, 2=” rather satisfied”, 3=”neither satisfied nor unsatisfied”, 4=”rather unsatisfied”, 5=”very unsatisfied”

Stage 4: See TREATMENT 1.

Stage 5: See TREATMENT 1.


Stage 1: See TREATMENT 1

Stage 2: See TREATMENT 1.

Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy + information acquisition about performance rank.

[Question wording:]
“Click here if you want to find out which places students in the different federal states occupied in the educational study mentioned in the previous question.
[Click: show information from TREATMENT 3]
How satisfied are you with the education policy in your federal state?”

[Answer categories:]
5-point scale: 1=”very satisfied”, 2=” rather satisfied”, 3=”neither satisfied nor unsatisfied”, 4=”rather unsatisfied”, 5=”very unsatisfied”

Stage 4: See TREATMENT 1.

Stage 5: See TREATMENT 1.
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
Citizens’ satisfaction with their state’s education policy, and support for the policy proposal to enhance comparative educational testing.
Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Satisfaction and policy support in TREATMENT 1 (elicited in stage 3 and 4) will serve as a benchmark. Comparing these answers to TREATMENT 2 and 3 will allow us to assess the causal effect of providing relative educational-performance information. Comparing answers to TREATMENT 4 and 5 reveals the causal effect of offering the option to acquire this information.

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
Heterogeneity by baseline importance of comparability, prior beliefs about the state’s performance, actual relative performance, and political ideology.
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
We conduct the experiment in a sample of 10,000 adults aged between 18 and 69 years. The survey is conducted in cooperation with the survey institute responi. The recruitment and polling is managed by respondi, who collect the data via an online platform. That is, our participants answer the survey questions autonomously on their own digital devices. Randomization is carried out by respondi at the individual level, using a computer.

Our experiment is structured as follows:
Respondents will be randomly assigned (between subject) to treatment 1 (p=1/3), treatment 2 (p=1/6), treatment 3 (p=1/6), treatment 4 (p=1/6), or treatment 5 (p=1/6). In our main analysis, we plan to pool treatments 2 and 3, and treatments 4 and 5, respectively.

Treatment 1:
Stage 1: Perceived importance of cross-state comparability.
Stage 2: Beliefs about state performance.
Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy.
Stage 4: Policy support for increased comparative educational testing.
Stage 5: Beliefs about parliamentarian support for enhanced-comparability policy.

Treatment 2:
Stage 1: Perceived importance of cross-state comparability.
Stage 2: Beliefs about state performance.
Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy + information about own performance.
Stage 4: Policy support for increased comparative educational testing.
Stage 5: Beliefs about parliamentarian support for enhanced-comparability policy.

Treatment 3:
Stage 1: Perceived importance of cross-state comparability.
Stage 2: Beliefs about state performance.
Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy + information about performance rank.
Stage 4: Policy support for increased comparative educational testing.
Stage 5: Beliefs about parliamentarian support for enhanced-comparability policy.

Treatment 4:
Stage 1: Perceived importance of cross-state comparability.
Stage 2: Beliefs about state performance.
Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy + information acquisition about own performance.
Stage 4: Policy support for increased comparative educational testing.
Stage 5: Beliefs about parliamentarian support for enhanced-comparability policy.

Treatment 5:
Stage 1: Perceived importance of cross-state comparability.
Stage 2: Beliefs about state performance.
Stage 3: Satisfaction with state’s education policy + information acquisition about performance rank.
Stage 4: Policy support for increased comparative educational testing.
Stage 5: Beliefs about parliamentarian support for enhanced-comparability policy.
Experimental Design Details
Randomization Method
Randomization is carried out by the survey company respondi, using a computer.
Randomization Unit
at the individual level
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
10,000 individuals (adults aged between 18 and 69 years)
Sample size: planned number of observations
10,000 individuals (adults aged between 18 and 69 years)
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
Treatment 1: 3,333; treatments 2 to 5: 1,666 each.
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)

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