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Trial End Date September 11, 2020 October 31, 2020
Last Published September 08, 2020 04:09 AM October 21, 2020 05:20 AM
Intervention End Date September 11, 2020 October 31, 2020
Experimental Design (Public) The experiment is a simple Choice Architecture Game with nudges. The experiment is a simple Choice Architecture Game with nudges. In the second experiment, the goal is to test the Decision Maker hypotheses only on women, and to test the Choice Architect decisions on a more experienced group of people, namely, PhD students or PhDs in Social Sciences.
Planned Number of Observations 190 Choice Architects 420 Decision Makers 190 Choice Architects 420 Decision Makers Second experiment: 90 Choice Architects 150-180 Decision Makers
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms Aimed sample size by treatment cell: 95 for Choice Architects (2 cells) (total control over this, easily achieved) 70 for each Decision Maker cell (6 cells), target is on average (full balance not achievable or even desirable, target is to get at least 40 participants per each of the 6 cells) Aimed sample size by treatment cell: 95 for Choice Architects (2 cells) (total control over this, easily achieved) 70 for each Decision Maker cell (6 cells), target is on average (full balance not achievable or even desirable, target is to get at least 40 participants per each of the 6 cells) Second Experiment: 90 Choice Architects, 45 in each of the two cells 150-180 Decision Makers, such that we get at least 30 in each of the 5 interesting treatment cells (simple-transparency is the uninteresting one in the 6 cells). Full balance is not likely, hence there is some uncertainty about how many Decision Makers will be required.
Power calculation: Minimum Detectable Effect Size for Main Outcomes The minimum detectable effect size for the CA experiment is 20 percentage points. With a two-sided test, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2, starting from 15 % take-up rate, we need 73 observations per treatment cell, which is entirely achievable. The minimum detectable effect size for the Decision Maker outcomes is also 20 percentage points. However, starting from a rate of 25 %, a one-sided test, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2, we need 70 observations per each treatment cell. The minimum detectable effect size for the CA experiment is 20 percentage points. With a two-sided test, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2, starting from 15 % take-up rate, we need 73 observations per treatment cell, which is entirely achievable. The minimum detectable effect size for the Decision Maker outcomes is also 20 percentage points. However, starting from a rate of 25 %, a one-sided test, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2, we need 70 observations per each treatment cell. Second experiment: The minimum detectable effect size for the CA experiment is 23 percentage points, starting from 15 %, a onesided test, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.20, needing 45 observations per each cell. The minimum detectable effect for the Decision Makers is 27 percentage points. Starting from a rate of 10 %, a one-sided test, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2, we need 30 observations per cell.
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