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Trial Start Date March 04, 2015 March 11, 2015
Last Published February 21, 2015 09:08 PM March 04, 2015 05:43 PM
Intervention (Public) This project involves three experimental sites: community colleges located within Ohio, Illinois, and Arizona. At each site, the intervention involves changes in the presentation of federal Stafford Loan offers. Students in the control group at each site will be presented with loan offers according to each institution's existing practices. This intervention will not affect students’ access to loans; in all cases students will be completely free to opt in, opt out, or change their loan amount in accordance with the rules of the student loan program. Additionally, upon completing an application for federal student aid – a prerequisite for receiving federal student aid – students are notified by the US Department of Education of their eligibility for federal loans. Thus, all students in our study will also be informed of their loan eligibility. At the Ohio site, dependent students in the control group will receive a financial aid award letter listing the maximum subsidized federal loan they are eligible for, independent students in the control group will receive a financial aid award letter listing the maximum subsidized federal loan they are eligible for and a $4000 unsubsidized loan, and the treatment group will be presented with a loan amount of zero regardless of dependency status. At the Illinois site, students in the control will be presented with a loan amount of zero on their financial aid award letters, while students in the treatment group will receive an award letter listing the maximum subsidized federal loan they are eligible for. The Arizona site will involve three treatment arms. This institution uses an online system that asks students whether they want to borrow before displaying the financial aid package. Students who select “No” are then shown a financial aid package with $0 in federal loan aid. For those who select “Yes,” the institution lists a “base loan amount” ($2,000/year for dependent and $3,000/year for independent students). The first treatment arm will include a blank field next to the line on the award package for loan aid that the student will be prompted to fill in with his or her preferred loan amount (including $0). The second treatment arm will feature a blank loan offer as well, but it will also prompt students to complete a short budgeting worksheet prior to choosing a loan amount. Students in the third treatment group who select "yes" when asked if they would like to borrow will be randomly assigned to receive an award package with a base amount that is randomized between 50% and 150% of the current amounts (i.e., $1,000 or $3,000/year for dependent students and $2,000 or $4,000/year for independent students). This project involves three experimental sites: community colleges located within Ohio, Illinois, and Arizona. At each site, the intervention involves changes in the presentation of federal Stafford Loan offers. Students in the control group at each site will be presented with loan offers according to each institution's existing practices. This intervention will not affect students’ access to loans; in all cases students will be completely free to opt in, opt out, or change their loan amount in accordance with the rules of the student loan program. Additionally, upon completing an application for federal student aid – a prerequisite for receiving federal student aid – students are notified by the US Department of Education of their eligibility for federal loans. Thus, all students in our study will also be informed of their loan eligibility. At the Ohio site, dependent students in the control group will receive a financial aid award letter listing the maximum subsidized federal loan they are eligible for, independent students in the control group will receive a financial aid award letter listing the maximum subsidized federal loan they are eligible for and a $4000 unsubsidized loan, and the treatment group will be presented with a loan amount of zero regardless of dependency status. At the Illinois site, students in the control will be presented with a loan amount of zero on their financial aid award letters, while students in the treatment group will receive an award letter listing the maximum subsidized federal loan they are eligible for. The Arizona site will involve two treatment arms. This institution uses an online system that asks students whether they want to borrow before displaying the financial aid package. Students who select “No” are then shown a financial aid package with $0 in federal loan aid. For those who select “Yes,” the institution lists a “base loan amount”. The first treatment arm will include a blank field next to the line on the award package for loan aid that the student will be prompted to fill in with his or her preferred loan amount (including $0). The second treatment arm will feature a blank loan offer as well, but it will also prompt students to complete a short budgeting worksheet prior to choosing a loan amount. Students in the control group who select "yes" when asked if they would like to borrow will be randomly assigned to receive an award package with a base amount that is randomized between 50% and 150% of the current amounts (i.e., $1,000 or $3,000/year for dependent students and $2,000 or $4,000/year for independent students).
Intervention Start Date March 04, 2015 March 11, 2015
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms Ohio site -- control group: 7,350 students; treatment group: 7,350 students. Illinois site -- control group: 6,400 students; treatment group: 6,400 students. Arizona site -- control group: 3,200 students; varied base amount treatment: 6,400 students; "blank" treatment: 9,700 students; "blank+worksheet" treatment: 9,700 students. Ohio site -- control group: 7,350 students; treatment group: 7,350 students. Illinois site -- control group: 6,400 students; treatment group: 6,400 students. Arizona site -- control group: 9,700 students; "blank" treatment: 9,700 students; "blank+worksheet" treatment: 9,700 students.
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