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Abstract This project uses a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of applying nudges in the context of ticket resolution within a multinational software corporation. Several tools have been introduced to automate key steps in the process of solving customer cases, however, many suffer from low adoption. The present study aims to investigate the potential for nudges (in the form of notifications about the availability of a diagnostic report) to increase the adoption of a specific diagnostic tool designed to process customer log files. We analyze both the immediate effects and persistence in behavior following the deactivation of the nudge. Approximately 1800 employees will be randomly assigned to one of three groups, comprising one control and two treatment groups (N1 receives notifications for the entire 12-week duration of the study, N2 ceases to receive the nudge after 6 weeks of the study to assess long-term effects. A control group B receives no notifications). This project uses a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of applying nudges in the context of ticket resolution within a multinational software corporation. Several tools have been introduced to automate key steps in the process of solving customer cases, however, many suffer from low adoption. The present study aims to investigate the potential for nudges (in the form of notifications about the availability of a diagnostic report) to increase the adoption of a specific diagnostic tool designed to process customer log files. We analyze both the immediate effects and persistence in behavior following the deactivation of the nudge. Approximately 900 employees will be randomly assigned to one of three groups, comprising one control and two treatment groups (N1 receives notifications for the entire 12-week duration of the study, N2 ceases to receive the nudge after 6 weeks of the study to assess long-term effects. A control group B receives no notifications).
Trial Start Date January 01, 2021 February 09, 2021
Trial End Date April 30, 2021 June 08, 2021
Last Published December 16, 2020 08:16 AM February 11, 2021 08:46 AM
Intervention Start Date January 01, 2021 February 09, 2021
Intervention End Date March 26, 2021 May 04, 2021
Planned Number of Observations 1,800 employees 900 employees
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms We will allocate approximately 600 participants randomly to each treatment. Employees are located across multiple sites of the company, where all treatments are run in parallel across sites (no clustering). We will allocate approximately 300 participants randomly to each treatment. Employees are located across multiple sites of the company, where all treatments are run in parallel across sites (no clustering).
Power calculation: Minimum Detectable Effect Size for Main Outcomes With a current mean of Usage of diagnostic report by employee at 10%, we get a minimum detectable effect size of 0.05379 (alpha=.05 Power=.8) and 0.06315 (alpha=.05 Power=.9) respectively. With a current mean of Usage of diagnostic report by employee at 10%, we get a minimum detectable effect size of 0.07911 (alpha=.05 Power=.8) and 0..09331 (alpha=.05 Power=.9) respectively.
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