After Amazon Mechanical Turk users click select our task and complete the pre-requisite survey, they will be taken to a page that contains the below text:
You have 5 minutes maximum to read this page. If you finish early, you may proceed to the next page at your discretion.
On the next page you will complete a simple button-pressing task. The object of this task is to alternately press the 'a' and 'b' buttons on your keyboard as quickly as possible for 10 minutes. Every time you successfully press the 'a' and then the 'b' button, you will receive a point. Note that points will only be rewarded when you alternate button pushes: just pressing the 'a' or 'b' button without alternating between the two will not result in points.
Buttons must be pressed by hand only (key bindings or automated button-pushing programs/scripts cannot be used) or task will not be approved.
Feel free to score as many points as you can.
At this point, depending on the treatment, precisely one of seventeen different treatments will be shown to the participant in the next sentence. These treatments are designed to provide the users with different types of incentives.
1. Your score will not affect your payment in any way.
Basic Incentives:
2. As a bonus, you will be paid an extra 1 cent for every 100 points that you score. This bonus will be paid to your account within 24 hours.
3. As a bonus, you will be paid an extra 10 cents for every 100 points that you score. This bonus will be paid to your account within 24 hours.
4. As a bonus, you will be paid an extra 4 cents for every 100 points that you score. This bonus will be paid to your account within 24 hours.
Paying Too Little:
5. As a bonus, you will be paid an extra 1 cent for every 1,000 points that you score. This bonus will be paid to your account within 24 hours.
Charitable Giving:
6. As a bonus, the Red Cross charitable fund will be given 1 cent for every 100 points that you score.
7. As a bonus, the Red Cross charitable fund will be given 10 cents for every 100 points that you score.
Time Preferences:
8. As a bonus, you will be paid an extra 1 cent for every 100 points that you score. This bonus will be paid to your account two weeks from today.
9. As a bonus, you will be paid an extra 1 cent for every 100 points that you score. This bonus will be paid to your account four weeks from today.
Loss Aversion:
10. As a bonus, you will be paid an extra 40 cents if you score at least 2,000 points. This bonus will be paid to your account within 24 hours.
11. As a bonus, you will be paid an extra 40 cents. This bonus will be paid to your account within 24 hours. However, you will lose this bonus (it will not be placed in your account) unless you score at least 2,000 points.
12. As a bonus, you will be paid an extra 80 cents if you score at least 2,000 points. This bonus will be paid to your account within 24 hours.
13. As a bonus, you will have a 1% chance of being paid an extra $1 for every 100 points that you score. Approximately one out of every 100 participants who perform this task will be randomly chosen to be paid this reward. The bonus will be put in the winner's account within 24 hours.
14. As a bonus, you will have a 50% chance of being paid an extra 2 cents for every 100 points that you score. Approximately one out of two participants who perform this task will be randomly chosen to be paid this reward. The bonus will be put in the winner's account within 24 hours.
Social Comparison:
15. Your score will not affect your payment in any way. In a previous version of this task, many participants were able to score more than 2,000 points.
16. Your score will not affect your payment in any way. After you play, we will show you how well you did relative to other participants who have previously done this task.
Task Significance:
17. Your score will not affect your payment in any way. We are interested in how fast people choose to press digits and we would like you to do your very best. So please try as hard as you can.
Gift Exchange:
18. In appreciation to you for performing this task, you will be paid a bonus of 40 cents. This bonus will be paid to your account within 24 hours. Your score will not affect your payment in any way.