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Last Published February 24, 2021 10:29 AM April 05, 2021 11:18 PM
Intervention (Hidden) The intervention in treatment arm 1 will provide the information about the employment conditions (employment rates, types, and earnings) of those 28–34 year old. The information is based on the Labor Force Surveys in 2018 and 2019. The information is disaggregated by the gender and the following education qualifications: Bachelors in Science, Math, Computer Science, and Agriculture; Bachelors in Engineering; Bachelors in Medicine, Health, and Nursing; Bachelors in Education; Bachelors in Business, Management, Economics, and Law; Bachelors in Arts, Humanities, and Social Studies; Technical Degrees (National Certificate II, III, Diploma) from Technical Training Institute (TTI) and Institute of Zorig Chusum (IZC); High school diploma. Male students receive the information about 28–34 year old men, while female students receive the information about women. The intervention in treatment arm 2 will provide two types of information. The first one is the same information provided in treatment arm 1. The second is the information about preferred educational choices of students in the same cohort who go to other schools than this study's 16 schools. This information is specifically the percentage of the students who prefer each of the education qualifications, written in the preceding paragraph, the most. The information is disaggregated by genders and academic streams. The data of peers' preferred choices is collected in another RCT study of ours (AEA RCT registry number: AEARCTR-0007114). Students in the control group will receive the job prospect information that is not disaggregated by education at all. For students in all groups (i.e., treatment arms 1 and 2 and control group), we will conduct an online survey that (1) asks about demographics and other baseline information including baseline beliefs about future employment and peer choices and baseline preferences about tertiary education. (2) Upon collecting the baseline information, we make the information interventions. (3) Upon providing the information, we ask students in all groups again about their beliefs and preferred educational choices, which may be updated because of the information interventions. After the online survey, we will provide students in all groups with the information about future job prospects and peers’ preferred choices in accordance with their respective treatment status through emails. The intervention in treatment arm 1 will provide the information about the employment conditions (employment rates, types, and earnings) of those 28–34 year old. The information is based on the Labor Force Surveys in 2018 and 2019. The information is disaggregated by the gender and the following education qualifications: Bachelors in Science, Math, Computer Science, and Agriculture; Bachelors in Engineering; Bachelors in Medicine, Health, and Nursing; Bachelors in Education; Bachelors in Business, Management, Economics, and Law; Bachelors in Arts, Humanities, and Social Studies; Technical Degrees (National Certificate II, III, Diploma) from Technical Training Institute (TTI) and Institute of Zorig Chusum (IZC); High school diploma. Male students receive the information about 28–34 year old men, while female students receive the information about women. The intervention in treatment arm 2 will provide two types of information. The first one is the same information provided in treatment arm 1. The second is the information about preferred educational choices of students in the same cohort who go to other schools than this study's 16 schools. This information is specifically the percentage of the students who prefer each of the education qualifications, written in the preceding paragraph, the most. The information is disaggregated by genders and academic streams. The data of peers' preferred choices is collected in another RCT study of ours (AEA RCT registry number: AEARCTR-0007114). Students in the control group will receive the job prospect information that is not disaggregated by education at all. For students in all groups (i.e., treatment arms 1 and 2 and control group), we will conduct an online survey that (1) asks about demographics and other baseline information including baseline beliefs about future employment and peer choices and baseline preferences about tertiary education. (2) Upon collecting the baseline information, we make the information interventions. (3) Upon providing the information, we ask students in all groups again about their beliefs and preferred educational choices, which may be updated because of the information interventions. After the online survey, we will provide students in all groups with the information about future job prospects and peers’ preferred choices through emails. If a student clicks a link in an email, the student can see the information. The link is unique to a student and valid only once. The type of information provided will accord with treatment status of each student.
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